Chapter Four-Village of Grief

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Hello everyone!! Before we start, I just want quickly say that in between this chapter and the last one, A LOT of future stuff has been changed. I don't wanna say what since that would spoil it but just now that I've cooked up some better ideas than what I had originally planned!

Anyways! I hope you all enjoy this chapter! (:

Yukiharu POV
"Keep it going, kid. If I see you falter even once then you're sleeping outside tonight" Master Toshi says to me as he circles around my person during my exercises

"Yes, sir!" I respond

"Just because you're a Demon Slayer now, doesn't mean that your training will be any easier. If anything I should be pushing you further until your sword arrives" he says

"Speaking of, sir— I was wondering how much longer that would be?" I ask as I continue to pull myself up and down on a cold tree branch

"You're that eager to leave, hm?" He asks

"Not at all, sir! I just want to get out into the world as soon as I can! Demons won't wait for a sword to arrive after all!" I clarify

"I understand, but you must learn to have patience, kid. For it will be a valuable tool for you during your missions" he says

"I understand, sir! I apologize but it's just hard for me to stay patient when I could be out there right now helping people!" I respond

As I'm distracted from talking, my hand accidentally slips from the snow and I nearly fall. But just as I'm able to catch myself, suddenly I'm hit in the back of a head with a loud wack and I fall to the snowy ground.

"Your talking is distracting you. If you cannot do both at once then only do one at a time then you might as well stop your training entirely" He scolds me

"I'm sorry, sir! It won't happen again!" I immediately stand up out of the snow and leap up and grab back onto the pine tree branch.

Pushing myself even harder, I continue my training until suddenly I hear a voice call out from the blazing snow.

"I am here for Yukiharu Katsuo!" The voice calls out

As soon as I hear this, I nearly break the branch from excitement and let go. I rush over to the person and see a man with a large straw hat that's decorated with wind chimes that loudly echo as the freezing winds move them.

"I am here for Yukiharu Katsuo, my name is Haganezuka and I am the one who forged his sword; I am here to deliver it" he says

"That's me! It's a pleasure to meet you!" I excitedly bow

"Let us take this inside where it's much warmer" Master Toshi says from behind me

We do just that, we lead the man inside where I quickly stoke the fire for warmth as the other two sit down from across each other. Now being able to get a better look at his face, or well what covers it, as I sit down next to Master Toshi I look and see that the man is wearing a red Hyottoko mask which takes a lot in me not to laugh as since it reminds me of a festival I went to when I was child.

"Hurry up and unsheathe your blade! I've been waiting for this during this whole journey here!" He demands as he aggressively holds out the blade to me

I quickly take the blade and take a moment to admire the pure white saya that leads down to a white and gold hilt and hand guard. Gently pulling the blade out, I hold it up and watch in awe as the blade immediately begins to change in color. The metal begins to change from a dull grey into a beautiful baby blue as I gently run my hand along the side of the blade.

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