Chapter One-A Frozen Heart

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Hello everyone! Welcome to my Demon Slayer story!

Now before we begin, I'd like to ask that you don't comment any spoilers about eh manga anywhere throughout this book please. As not everyone has read the manga and I'm sure a lot of people, including myself currently, are anime only. So at least for now, please keep spoilers to yourself!

Now, with that out of the way, let's get on with the first chapter! I hope you all enjoy it and let me know what you think!
??? POV
I rush through the dense, warm forest, like a bat outta hell. Sprinting down the dirt path, I brush low hanging branches out of the way as I scramble my way into the village. Dashing down the streets, I skid around the corner as quickly open the door to the bakery.

"I'm so sorry for being late, sir! I had a late night last night!" I swiftly apologize as soon as I enter the building, "Please don't dock my pay!" I beg as I continue apologizing

"'re two hours early" the gruff looking baker deadpans

"I'm usually four hours early! I'm sorry!" I loudly apologize again

"Sigh...It's okay, kid. I know you're gonna work hard either way" he assures me

"Thank you very much for your kindness! I'll be sure to work extra hard today!" I exclaim

Immediately getting started, I begin to help out in unloading ingredients from a delivery carriage and into the store. Afterwords I swiftly clean up the shop to make it look extra pretty for today, finishing off with helping out in getting the dough ready to be baked. After completing other small tasks around the shop, Mr.Mochida gives me my payment for today and after profusely thanking him once again, I rush out of the shop and quickly make my way over to the stonemason for my next job of many.

Later on that day...
"And that about does it! You're getting better and better at weaving by the day, Yukiharu" Ms.Shiruku, and elderly woman, compliments me as she neatly folds the cloth and starts putting it onto display

"Thank you very much! I'll continue to do my best!" I exclaim

"I'm sure you're in a rush so don't let me keep you hear any longer" she says as she reaches into her coin purse

Giving me my daily payment, I quickly pocket it and shout my thanks to her as I run out of the shop. Finally, with all my daily jobs now out of the way, I can finally head down the riverbank and meet up with her. Rushing through the village, my heart begins to race a bit as I get closer to the farmhouse where she lives. Rushing up the the older house, I see her father peacefully sitting outside like usual.

"Well if it ain't the town's little hero. Fancy seeing you here" he laughs, obviously expecting me

"Good evening, sir! It's a pleasure to see you in good health!" I shout as I greet him

"Heheh, no need to make small talk with me. Akino is down by the riverbed as usual, practicing her Biwa" he tells me with a small chuckle

"Th-Thank you very much, s-sir! I look forward to helping you during harvest season!" I respond, hiding a small blush on my face

Quickly rushing down the small path that leads down to a crystal clear river, as I get closer I begin to hear the aggressive yet captivating sounds of the Biwa echo throughout the air. My heart begins to beat faster and faster as the image of her blissfully playing her Biwa with that small yet impactful smile on her face enters my mind.

Approaching the riverbank, I'm frozen for a second as I'm encapsulated by almost the exact scenario I thought of in my head. I slowly approach the lone tree that's separated from the forest by only a few feet, with Akino seemingly completely caught up in her music to notice me. Trying not to disturb her, I quietly sit down beside her as she continues to play. The captivating melody fills my ears as I lean my head onto the tree, closing my eyes and taking a breath, it soothes my body from another busy day of working in the village.

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