Chapter Two-A Promise from Loss

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Hello everyone! I hope you all enjoy this chapter!!
Yukiharu POV
I raise my sword, the piercing blizzard pelting down on me as I attempt to focus myself in preparation for what's to come. Out of the corner of my eye, like a predator stalking it's prey, I see a pair of red, glowing, eyes peering through the blizzard at me. I clumsily turn myself around as fast as I can just as the demon lunges through the snow, pouncing onto my sword like a wild animal as I try to push it back.

I can feel my knees about to give out as the demon's salivating jaw inches closer to my face, only for it's head to be cut clean off faster than I can blink as it's body falls limp to the snow and starts to wither away.

"You've still got the fear of death in you, kid. You must have unwavering confidence in both yourself and your skills, otherwise you will forever be held back by doubt. And if you doubt yourself in this line of duty, you'll only be met with the unrelenting jaws of a demon " Master Toshi Bushida, my newly found teacher, scolds me

"S-Sorry, sir! I-I just can't bring myself to face a demon and not doubt myself..." I somberly respond

"Demons gain an advantage over you if they sense even the slightest hint of doubt or fear. They thrive off it, live off it, win by it. Show a demon that you fear them in a real fight and you've already lost. However, if you show them no doubt, show them how unwavering you are against their advances, then they'll have nothing but their disgusting claws to try and defeat you with" he says to me

"I'll try harder, sir! Even if I have to change my own soul, I won't let any demon overpower me!" I determinedly shout

I then rush further into the blizzard in search of another demon, the thick snow crunching underneath my feet as Master Toshi follows from a fair distance behind.

"I'll never let a demon strike fear into me again! I'll show them just how unwavering I can be!" I think, ready to continue my Demon Slayer training...


Dashing through the snow, all of my senses are on full alert as I eagerly wait for a demon to jump out at me. Hearing the slight crunch of snow, I immediately whip my body around to the barely visible demon before it lunges out at me. My sword clashing against its wretched claws cause a few sparks to fly as I push the monster away from me. Taking a few steps back to gain some distance, the demon and I lock eyes with one another. Circling each other like animals, the demon begins to snarl and jump at me, trying to get me to even slightly flinch in order to gain an advantage over me. But I refuse to let this monster get the better of me, I widely smile and begin to laugh.

"Ha! It's gonna take a lot more than vulgar noises to be able to strike fear into me!" I exclaim as I ready my sword, intending to end this in one strike

Not being able to gain an advantage over me, the demon resorts to lunging at me, tongue wailing, jaw opened wide, and claws aimed directly at my head. I grin as I shift my position to cleanly cut the lesser demon's head clean off.

"Heh, I didn't even need to use a technique" I laugh to myself a bit as I wipe the demon's blood off my blade, watching the body slowly turn to dust that stains the pure white snow around it a light gray

As I sheath my blade, I take a deep breath as the condensation from my breath clashes against the freezing cold air and snow. As I look at the light blue hilt of my sword, I reflect on the intense training that I have been doing for these past two years now. The cold days and nights spent being made to fight against lesser demons, and the rigorous training regime that Master Toshi set for me. All the pain, hunger, blood, sweat, and tears that I put into this...but also satisfaction and almost peace of mind as well as the determination to become a Demon Slayer.

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