Chapter One

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Edgeworth's House.


     The rain was hard and falling down fast. Gumshoe stood on Edgeworth's porch.

     "Uhm, right now, pal? It's raining."

     "Don't worry, Gumshoe. I'll be fine."

     Gumshoe blinked at him, not knowing whether it was a bad attempt at sarcasm or if Edgeworth was serious.

     Edgeworth knew exactly what was wrong with his car. However, he refused to take it to the shop, knowing they'll try to get him to pay for other things and nonexistent issues. So, he called on Gumshoe to fix his Mustang. Although it was raining, Gumshoe accepted, he needed the money after all.

     He stood on his porch, coffee in hand, as he watched Gumshoe work. Suddenly, his phone went off, and he answered it rather quickly, without looking at the name, to get the Steel Samurai ringtone to quit playing. He prayed silently Gumshoe didn't hear, though he doubted he'd mention it if he did.

     "Hello?" He knew that voice, then it hit him. Wright.

     He hung up. He hasn't answered the phone for him in years and he certainly wasn't going to start now. He had a grudge against Wright, though he wasn't really sure why. Perhaps it was the fact that Wright left him saddled with... Unnecessary feelings. However, Wright did not feel the same way towards him, and would talk to Edgeworth at any given chance.

     The call isn't important. Edgeworth told himself, it was probably just about the previous trial. The trial he wouldn't let himself think too much about. His mentor, his caretaker, had killed his father. Von Karma let him torment himself for 15 years, letting him believe he, himself, had did it. He raised Edgeworth to be the opposite of what his father had wanted, and he let him, not like he knew any better, but still. He didn't like thinking about it, it was much easier to shut it out, and it would be hard to shut it out with Wright talking about it.

     He shook his head, hoping that that'd help clear it. It didn't. He watched Gumshoe work on his car, feeling slightly bad that he had to work in the rain. He wouldn't tell him this though, he'd just pay him extra.

     Once again the theme song came on, lighting up his phone, and the name "Wright's Office" popped up, he shut it off quickly.

     "Goddamnit, Wright," he muttered.

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