Hunter walks up to his side of the arch and Belos walks up to the pedestal. Everyone seems to be getting ready. Hunter looks around to see if Luz and your mother have made it yet, they should be here.

Then he spots them and sighs softly in relief, they made it safely.

This entire marriage... this is what has been told that would happen the day you and Hunter first met, when you were only 4 or 5. All these years you've been told to get along just for this day, just so you two will be finally mature and ready to wed, and that day has come. Ridiculously fast too, impatiently fast because of Terra.

You both grew up annoyed that you would have to marry one another, disgusted that you'd have to call each other 'husband' and 'wife'. You both didn't want to be stuck with one another. Until one day you did, and you both fell in love, and... Hunter dreams of marrying you more than anything one day.... but.. not like this. Not without the love aspect involved in it. Not just treating you as an object beside him like Belos wishes. He wants to marry you knowing that it will be a day they can fully share the love you both have towards one another, and not have to hide it, or mask it.

He doesn't want to marry you so Terra will become an official coven head, he wants to marry you so that he can truly be one with you, so he can truly love you, admire you, and be with you for the rest of his life. This entire day... the entire day you both have expected is today. And it wont play the way Belos wants it to be.

Music begins playing, and Hunter perks his head up to where the music is coming from.

That's when he sees you. In your dress, it looks like you're wearing a flower, its a hint of green and pink and of course, mainly white. You're dressed up beautifully, he admires it.


Once he gets you out of here he is taking you on a date, a good one too. This stupid wedding wont be for nothing, it wont be classified as a wedding, it'll be classified as your great escape. Your new beginning as lovers, a fresh start to truly learn to love one another and make things the way you want it to be.

You look up at him and he looks at you, his eyes sparkling. He'll make sure you aren't dolled up just for nothing, he'll make today better for the both of you, its gonna be better.

'I love you Y/n.' He thinks.

Terra is walking alongside you, of course. If anything this is more of her celebration than the two of yours. it shouldn't be this way.

Finally you finish walking down the isle and stand next to Hunter. Hunter looks at you, they sure dressed you up nicely, you look beautiful.

You look up at Hunter and make an awkward kind of annoyed smile at him, sort of giving off an ' I hate this.' vibe your trying to communicate with him. Hunter also makes the same gesture towards you.

"We are gathered here today, to celebrate the beginning of a new coven system! a brand new awakening to the boiling isles. The titans will, preparing us on this day, for the day of unity!" Belos announces.

The coven scouts cheer. You and Hunter begin sweating, this is really happening right now isn't it? and its quite ridiculous.

"And not only is this a day for the new coven system, but to celebrate Terra as potential royalty in the emperors coven!" Belos announces.

Terra smirks and graciously bows. You and Hunter eye each other awkwardly.

"Without further ado, I would like to present the groom, none other as the golden guard himself!" Belos says.

The coven scouts cheer and Hunter blushes and sweats in embarrassment.

The coven scout in the way back holds open the scroll for Hunter to speak and read aloud. Hunter stares at it and back at Y/n. Y/n, for some reason is looking away into some bush behind her not even paying attention. Hunter sighs and looks at the scroll from far away.

UℕᏇℐℒℒℐℕᎶℒᎽ  ℐℕ  ℒᎾᏉℰ  Ꮗℐтℋ  ᎽᎾU (Hunter x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now