Very Thick

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Beep. Beep. Beep. Bee— I groan as I fumble with my phone, not even bothering to open my eyes while I blindly search for the snooze button. The light is too bright.

Just then, furry paws step on my face. I squint, already knowing who it is.

Sometimes I question if he actually loves me like I love him.

Probably not.

Opening my eyes, I lay there, wanting to get up but unable to get myself to leave the comfortableness of my bedsheets. I zone out, staring at the ceiling mindlessly.

Damn, I should really clean those cobwebs.

My eyes leave the corner of the ceiling.


At last, I roll my body to the side, ready to get up. A pair of glowing yellowish orange eyes stares straight back at me.

I almost yelp. I swear my soul threatened to leave my body.

Lucifer wears a nonchalant expression and just keeps watching me, his gray fluffy tail swishing behind him.

I scowl. Why does this feel so familiar?

I choose to put an end to this stupid staring contest I've always lost and start getting ready for school instead.

I drag myself to the bathroom and look in the mirror. A girl with bed hair and puffy eyes looks at me back.

Nope, don't know her.

Putting my hair up in a bun, I begin my daily morning routine.


With my hands occupied with fastening the last button on my uniform, I walk to the kitchen. The smell of toast immediately greets my nose, making me salivate.

"Good morning, Mama." I greet her cheerfully and she turns around, hands still occupied with scrambling eggs.

She gives me a look, and I already knew the words about to spill from her lips before she parts them.

"Why are you up so late today? It's 7.30 already. You woke up later than your brother." She tsks and returns to turning off the stove. Reece chuckles from his seat. I stick my finger up to him, scowling.

I went to bed at 11 yesterday, all because of this prick. He refused to give me back my diary, telling me I had to go find it myself. I searched far and wide for it. The mailbox, the fridge, some bushes; I even dug up some places where I felt suspicious of in our yard. That earned a scolding from my mom and some 'what the fuck is she doing' looks from passerby. All while Reece peered down at me from where he stood in his room while he munched on the chocolate I got, looking clearly amused by the scene before him.

In my final attempt, I pinched my nose, gathered all my willpower and shuffled through the dirty pile of laundry, where I spotted it's shiny black cover at the very bottom.

And the last time I checked, which was this morning, it still fucking stinks.

"Ma, she just showed me her middle finger!" He feigns a pout, trying to look like a sad puppy.

I cringe. What a snitch!

"No, it was my ring finger!" I retort in my defense.

"What you mean behind it is literally the sa—mfthngd" A piece of toast is put in my mouth and a hand is pulling on my shirt. Before I even had time to register what happened, I end up outside on our door step.

Two backpacks are thrown at my feet and I glance up at the entrance to see my mother wiping imaginary dust off her hands.

I look at her, confused.

Alex | 18+Where stories live. Discover now