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"Athanasia... make sure to tell me when that happened to you again alright? Now, let's go back to the academy." Lucas said as he snapped his fingers and teleported us back at the academy.

Who's calling me? I felt a feeling of longing. As if they're someone I missed so much...

After Lucas teleported us back, I still felt a faint feeling of dizziness.

I rested my head on Lucas' shoulder. They were broad and comfortable. I can surely sleep peacefully on him.

"Haah.. It seems like you're relaxed laying on my shoulder." Lucas said and I just nodded in response.

I was about to fall asleep until someone unlocked the detention room.

"What the fu-" I stopped at mid-sentence realizing it was Ijekiel.

Did he get into detention too? It's impossible.

"What brings you here?" Lucas immediately said to Ijekiel in his normal blank expression.

"I'm here to say that detention is over, you may go back to our class." Ijekiel replied with his casual tone, walking to our direction. "Athy, you looked pale. Are you okay?" He added, looking at me with concerned eyes.

"Why wouldn't she be okay? If she's with me, she's safe." Lucas retorted, letting out an annoyed scoff.

"Oh, I see." Ijekiel replied as he tried to remain his calm demeanor. By looking at him, it seems like he's annoyed as well.

I just can't understand why these two are always pissed off with each other. It's as if they're cats and dogs.

"Let's head back now." I said, standing up and walked towards the door to return to our classroom.

I looked back to see if they're following me.

They're glaring at each other as expected. They're acting like a child despite their ages.


"Athy...! Did you purposely wanted to go to detention?! You're crazy you know that?!" Jennette said to me, holding my arms tightly.

"Crazy for Lucas~" I whispered, giving her a playful wink as I smirked.

"Whatever." Jennette replied as she sarcastically rolled her eyes, "Speaking of Lucas, It's only you and him in the detention room, right? Did something else happened?~" She added, giving me that one look I'm always annoyed with. It's like she's teasing me.

"Oh shut u-"

"Already gossiping about me? That's very typical of you." Lucas suddenly came from behind, whispering to my ear while blowing some of my hair off my face.

I know that this happens often but, HOW CAN I NOT BLUSH WHEN HE DOES SOMETHING LIKE THIS?!!

Lucas, you're confusing as always.

"W-well I'm just telling Jennette how I liked the detention room! It's uhh, cold and warm..! Yeah!" I said as I stuttered. My chest was pounding like crazy.

"Pfft. What kind of nonsense is that?" He replied, slowly moving away.

Such a tease...!

Jennette on the other hand was only giggling.

"Let's just go back to our seats!" I said as I grabbed his hand and went back to our seats.

Till Death Do Us Part - Lucathy FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now