20 | ʙɪᴛᴛᴇʀsᴡᴇᴇᴛ

144 7 18

Warnings: Swearing.

Word Count: 1295


The night air is always a little cold.

Even that "warm tropical breeze" so often named in books doesn't have as strong a hold when the stars come out.

My arms are gloved, but I look around and pull one down a little. The night air feels right as it dusts over me. My skin doesn't prickle, can't in fact, but I know it's cold. "Just because you like it doesn't mean you're immune to it, Ukizuki," I mouth, silently repeating my dad's staple lecture, and I pull my glove back up.

I'll go inside soon. Just not yet.

The sky is so incomprehensibly big. So beautiful. Ribbons of purple and blue, studded with light itself. Trying to describe the constellations, the way the colours move, the moon... it would fall so short compared to the beauty above me. Some things you have to see for yourself.

Noise spills out of the door, pooling on the balcony floor until Bakugo shuts the door behind him.

Well. Slams it behind him.

"Fucking hell..." his harshness is dulled, too, under the moon. "What're you doing out here, Yarōzora?"

Admiring the sky is the first answer I think of. The true reason is probably deeper, darker. I want to find... I want to...

I don't know exactly what to write, so I just shrug.

Bakugo exhales and comes over to lean on the railing next to me. Far be it from me to assume I can interpret, recognise or understand human facial expressions, but the boy looks sad. I lean on an elbow as I turn to him, raise my eyebrows.

"How do you do it?" he asks abruptly.

Clicking my pen out, I scribble "do what?" when it becomes clear he's not planning to elaborate.

Bakugo drags a hand over his face. "How are you so fucking arrogant?"


I'm arrogant?

"You seem so sure of yourself... you walked off the field, let yourself lose, and you didn't seem to care. I just..." He clears his throat, glances at me and away. "I think you're weird, Yarōzora. But I think you might... fuck, I don't know... understand me."

He must feel really down, huh.

"I can't believe I let myself get caught by those asshole wannabes. I can't believe those idiots thought I needed to be rescued! I've failed."

That, at least, I do understand.

Bakugo looks at the sky above us, lets out a strangled noise that I won't call a sob. "It's dark out here."

"Even one small star can push away the darkness," I write, a small twist on what my sister used to tell me, "but all that same dark can do is make the light seem so much brighter."

I turn to the stars. "The stars above us are dead. New ones have been born, but it will take their light a long time to reach us. In the meantime? The night may be dark, but it's beautiful."

𝐋𝐮𝐧𝐚𝐫 𝐍𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 ☆ ᴀ 𝙼𝙷𝙰 𝙾𝙲 sᴛᴏʀʏWhere stories live. Discover now