The Art of Logic

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-Partypooper is out somewhere (idk), and partygoer searches in the boredom room to just chill there. Then, he finds a computer, which by curiousity, he decides to open it-

Partygoer: Oh dam a computer. Didnt know he owned one bcz he always seemed so dumbfounded and dumb in general to me. =)

-Partygoer tries tampering with random codes to allow the computer to give access

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-Partygoer tries tampering with random codes to allow the computer to give access.-

Partygoer: Hmmm...Oh, there. I'm in. Now let's see what these apps are that he downloaded. I could see his google search history but I wouldnt be suprised if it stated, "How to be emo properly" or Chemical Romance song search-ups. =)

-Partygoer scrolls through the computer-

Partygoer: Alright..Tumblr, Youtube, Reddit...Oooo, Twitter? Alright, this app named Twitter's got me interested...

-Partygoer taps the app and goes into the site, where he sees random posts as usual-

Partygoer: Okay uh this seems fine =)

Partygoer: Ayo what, nah this is cap =)

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Partygoer: Ayo what, nah this is cap =)

Partygoer: Bro didn't even give solid proof??? =)

Partygoer: But I aint doin this no more, imma send him a ton of emails putting proof of how the earth is round just for the fun of it- =)

*20 minutes of spamming information to the chat later*


And yeah theres this thing called gravity which is why when a rocket will fly across the Earth it doesn't go launching off into space immediately idiort- =)

*Partypooper joined the chat*

Partygoer: What =)

Partypooper: Yo jit can I have my account- I had to make an alt so can I pls have my main back? =(

Partygoer: Nah im bullying a flat Earther believer since they're a degenerate- =)

Partypooper: partygoer. =(

*flatEart_her2891oh7 joined the chat*

ProudflatEarther: Ugh you think i cant defend myself??? Wow classic case of toxicity!1!!1 imagine!1!1!



Partypooper: alright partygoer, you may continue- =(

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