Manipulation =)

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And why should we betray the partypoopers?!? They helped us! Were not going to throw away their help just for you.

Well! Just hear me out for a second, friend! =)

I know weve been bad yes, but if your going to help us, were going to lead you to the exit of the backrooms! =)

Thats a lie, of course your lying you think im stupid-?

But just think of it friend! Tje partypoopers only helped you but theyve never led you to the exit of this place. =)


Or is it because, they used you. =)

Thats not true, dummy. Theyd never-

The war was always to be planned, so they wanted to act nice nice so that they can join your side, supplies are all found in this place but the exit is a big deal! They wouldnt want to be sharing it with some weak humans, would they? =)

No. They helped us through dangerous situations! They wouldnt do that to "weak humans".

As I said, they using you, your like chess pieces to them, theyll use you so that they can have victory and youll just get rid of by us, but we wouldnt want to hurt you. =)

Then why would you hurt us in level fun?!?

The partypoopers forced us to do that so you wanderers would hate us! We were controlled by them. =)

But I-

So what would it be, to join the side of some sick sad freaks, or to side on with us? =)


Clock is ticking friend! =)

FINE. But if you just try anything, we wont hesitate to switch sides and rid of you.

Oh, I promise I wouldnt do such a thing. =)

After all, what are friends for? =)

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