I really do need that drink now.

"Uh... yes, I'm fine," I swallow hard and continue to move my waistline but my eyes zero in on him across the room.

Could he sense me looking?

I Stare at the few loose buttons on his shirt, his hand carelessly thrown over the leather chair back, the smile fading on his lips.

Look away Sibel but did I listen? Did I listen to the voice in my head, did I let it take control and move my eyes back to the man I dance with—hell no. I stared harder completely ignoring the stranger behind me.

But it's too late, his eyes find mine and he gets up, hands gripping the section barricade. His jaw is tight as he zeroed in on me and I had to do something.

My waist swirl to the beat of 'Good form' ft. Lil Wayne by Niki Minaj and I gyrate onto the stranger behind me while my eyes catch the man I should be dancing with or being in his arms to end the year. It's a hope, a dream really but it's never going to happen.

I swing in his arms and his already stiff shaft braces my center. I looked over his way again and his eyes are intense even with the distance between us I see his jaw tick and tighten.

Good... he feels a fraction of what he makes me feel.

So I connect our lips but it felt nothing like his. His hands on my bare tights felt nothing like his and I stepped back, guilt set in. I look over to where the handsome devil is standing and he's gone.

My heart raced and I needed that drink now. "Why did you stop, it was getting really good," the stranger said well Rick at this point.

"I need my drink now," I didn't wait for a response and weaved through the crowd to the bar and leave him standing there staring after me.

Scanning the crowd for Keyana, I see his shoulders square in front of the stranger and I duck. Oh, shit, shit, shit.

I crawl my way out to the exit. Trust me it wasn't without difficulties but I made it to the exit and move with speed to my car.

But do you think luck was having it my way, hell no. There he is legs crossed leaning against my Chevrolet Malibu door.

The first thing I notice is his intense stare. Okay, I need to catch my bearings. Oh God, he's so fine, he's so, so fine... and I wish he was mine.

He's impeccably dressed, all black like I was. leather blazer, black shirt tucked into his black trouser partially buttoned up.

His intoxicating expensive scent surrounds us, my senses came alive and I licked my lips.

Hmm, I couldn't blame the alcohol damn.

Up close he's even more handsome with his devil-may-care attitude, my knees go weak and I swoon overwhelmed with admiration, adoration and other strong emotions standing here face to face with the handsome devil himself.

His eyes scan my body all the way up to my face, "excuse me," I said when neither of us moves for a few seconds. He still didn't move only frowns on his brows and watched me.

"I need to get home Ryon," I feel the need to say because there I'm safe. Home I can crawl away and hide and this adrenaline rushing through my veins couldn't affect me.

"You didn't seem to be in such a rush a few minutes ago," his jaw ticked, the aggression in his words as he press off my car and yes I did feel bad but I'm not going to admit that.

My stomach slumped heavily, "well I do now."

"What the fuck did you think you were doing Sibel," he barked and stepped closer to me his shoes clicking in the silence.

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