"You stole cars?" Sam asked sadly and Mikaela's eyes watered slightly.

"Well, we couldn't always afford a babysitter, so sometimes he had to take me along," Mikaela said.

"She's got her own juvie record to prove it! She's a criminal. Criminals are hot," man said and he looked at Mikaela then me inappropriately.

"Not as hot as the sweet and innocent," man said and he looked at me with a smirk and I glared at him.

"Leave my sister alone, pervert!" Sam yelled at him and he turned back around to face the road.

"That'd be a real shame if he had to rot in jail the rest of his natural life," man said

I looked at Mikaela.

"Don't worry. No matter how high up you are, you can't change the basic laws, do the crime and serve the time. He can't keep your father locked up without justifiable cause," I told Mikaela and the man smirked at her.

"You wanna bet? It is time to talk!" He yelled and the car hit something, making the windshield shatter and the car swerve to the side.

The car spun around the road and they all felt something push it to the side and both of the men screamed as the car spun around and crashed into a cement barrier.

"Big! It's big!" The pervert yelled out and I smirked at Sam.

'Optimus?' I mouthed and he nodded with a grin. The two windows up front were smashed in as Optimus' hands forced came in and latched onto the roof of the car.

"No! No, no, no, no!" The two men cried when Optimus lifted the car up high. The two men started poking their heads in and out of the car and panicked when they couldn't see him.

"I can't see it! I can't see it!" They panicked.

"Shift your weight towards the front!" man ordered and everyone and they all obeyed. Optimus started to shake the car up and down and everyone, including Sam, Mikaela and I started screaming and trying to grab onto anything to keep themselves steady.

I looked up at the roof and seen it started to concave and break, she then realised that Optimus was trying to pull the roof off.

Suddenly roof snapped off. The car fell down and crashed onto the ground making them all bounce up and down.

We stare at the two men raised their guns and tried to find.

Optimus he was shining his truck lights making it impossible to see him.

It was like trying to look at the sun. The bright light shut off and Optimus looked down at the men with a menacing expression. His towering height  and overpowering size making him that more terrifying.
"You A-holes are in trouble now," I smirked and she smiled up at Optimus.

"Gentlemen," Sam got their attention and the two men looked at him.

"I want to introduce you to my friend, Optimus Prime," Sam said and he looked up at him proudly. The two men slowly looked at him but Optimus' expression remained un-readable.

"Taking the children was a bad move," Optimus growled, paying no attention to the several men surrounding the car with powerful guns pointed up at him. Well, powerful against a human...An autobot? Not so much.

"Autobot's, relieve them of their weapons," Optimus ordered and said Autobot's jumped down from the bridge, each flipping and somersaulting in mid air, clearly trying to show off and intimidate. Bumblebee and Ratchet pointed their guns at them.

"Freeze!" Ironhide pulled out his rather impressive and large canons and the men started panicking.

"Whoa! Whoa!"

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