Dunning-kruger Effect

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Once upon a time, the Gardener took his sons to the Garden, and the Butterflies learned that it could always get much worse.

Avery was a psychopath much like his father, but the trouble was that, unlike his father, he didn't have boundaries.

"Eden" the name, her name, left his lips like a sin, a curse, something to be haunted upon, staring down with those predatory eyes at the one he liked to play the most "Come"

His hand was extended in what some would find a chivalry gesture, but the Butterfly eyed it with caution, as though a snake was curled underneath his long sleeved button up.

She wouldn't put it past him to do so.

Offering him a fake smile, Eden laid her hand on top of his and they started to walk to his play room, a red room, by now they could call it red just by how many of them had died on it.

The Gardener knew how deranged his son was and his way of parenting him was giving him a private torture chamber inside the Garden, where he could have his way with his oh so precious Butterflies, as long as his sick tendencies didn't show on the real world, outside those walls of glasses.

Avery was happy to oblige and the Eden had long learned that going against him only made him want to break her more, so she had stopped fighting, they both knew it was all an act though, it was the reason why he would make daily stops by her room, collecting her like a cheap whore, pushing her limits and waiting until the day she finally snapped.

She restrained herself from looking sideways as they entered the room, the click of the door closing shut made her heartbeat speed up, but her face remained impassive, trauma made wonders to one's soul.


He made sure to drag them along the floor, the sound of it scratching the floor begged her to run.

Closer, closer, closer...

She could feel his warm breath just behind her ear, the hair on the back of her neck stood up, alarm. It was something she had, unfortunately, not been able to teach her body not to do yet.

He saw it, his dirty fingers slowly dragging up her stomach, ripping her dress in a brutal tug, leaving her prey to his eyes, naked for him to drink in. His fingers continued their path upwards, circling her left areola, her traitor body making it rigid under his touch, not due to pleasure, but fear.

A low chuckle and his hand suddenly flew to her neck, chocking her so harshly that no air could reach her system, in a matter of seconds her vision started to blur and she felt her body being dragged, her hands doing little to claw his arm away from her throat as he threw her against a wall.

Her body collided heavily against the ground and she gasped loudly, her composure cracking in pieces as he started to bind her arms to the chains, leaving her body suspended in the air as her wrists ached for being pulled from each side.

Then he did the same to her throat, but the chain closed harshly around it, suffocatingly, her legs were also separated, the chains carving into her ankles as he pulled them apart, leaving her holes free for him to use.

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