romantic date

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the next day..

baldi slowly wakes up sitting up before walking out of this room.

Baldi goes into the bathroom and turns on the shower, washing up and getting warmed up for his day. He takes a deep breath and steps out of the shower, drying off with a towel and getting dressed.

A minute or two later, Kennith steps into the bathroom and sees Baldi finished with his shower and getting dressed.

"Hi Baldi," Kennith smiles. "Ready to go downstairs for breakfast?
"Sure," Baldi smiles back. The two of them walk downstairs together kennith serves himself and baldi. Kennith and Baldi eat breakfast together, having some toast and coffee in the kitchen. They then go to the living room and relax on the couch together, watching a bit of TV before having to get ready for the date Kennith has planned.

Hey Baldi, Kennith says. Remember how I said I wanted to take you out on a date today? Well, it's finally time! How does that sound to you?
Oh, I'm definitely excited," Baldi smiles. I can't wait to spend more time with you.

Kennith and Baldi spend some time watching a movie together, making sure to sit next to each other and cuddle up together on the couch.

After the movie, Kennith and Baldi talk about what they're going to do on Sunday, making plans to spend even more time together.
I really enjoy spending time with you, Baldi, Kennith says. I'd like to continue this relationship... and even make things more official.
I feel the same way, Baldi smiles. I really care about you, Kennith. same here kennith says looking at the clock.

-timeskip to afternoon-

Kennith and Baldi walk outside together, heading to the fancy restaurant for the date Kennith had planned.
I know this place is a bit fancy, Kennith says. But I thought it would be a nice place for us to have our date and get to know each other better.
Oh, I'm sure it'll be amazing, Baldi smiles. As long as I'm with you, I'm happy.. They arrive at the restaurant, Baldi a bit nervous but excited.

Kennith and Baldi walk inside the restaurant together, heading up to the host and asking whether a table for two is available. Lucky for them, the restaurant isn't busy that day, so the host tells Kennith and Baldi that there is indeed a table for two available, and she guides them over to it. Kennith and Baldi sit down at the table, looking around at the fancy decorations and the stylish setting of the restaurant Baldi looks over the menu,

baldi and kennith orders spaghetti with wine before the waiter walks away Kennith and Baldi wait for the waiter, talking about different topics together. Kennith is nervous about whether Baldi will like the date and enjoy spending time with him. Baldi is enjoying his time so far talking to kennith.

Finally, the waiter arrives with there wine They both smile at each other, excited drinking some wine waiting for there food Kennith and Baldi continue their conversation while waiting for their food to come. They have some interesting talks about their school family friends other topics.

a few minutes later the waiter comes with there food baldi and kennith started eating and order some more wine while they were at it later on kennith pays and they walk out of the restaurant happily.

baldi was a red mess while they were walking to the car baldi pushes kennith to the car messing with his tie taking it off making kennith chuckle baldi kisses kennith not knowing what he was doing.

they kiss for a away kennith falls into the seat in the car making out with baldi for a little while before sitting up telling baldi he has to take them home.

baldi gets out letting principal get out also baldi gets into his seat while kennith closes the door and go's to the other side and gets into his seat.

kennith starts driving home on his way home baldi was just flirting w him and kennith makes it home parking his car getting out of it also baldi making sure to lock it.

they both get inside kennith locking the door knowing baldi was behind grabs him and pushes him to the door.

HELLO YALL I wanted to say thank you for the views and votes again also if you have any ideas for the next chapter I'm taking requests byeee

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