Not a secret anymore

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As the last day of school comes to an end, principal Kennith invites Baldi over for dinner. Playtime is also at the school, and overhears her father's request.

Curious, she decides to investigate. overhearing that baldi will be coming to there house she sees her father walk out happily and they leave the building

kennith and playtime go to the car and kennith drives them home later on baldi hears it's raining outside disappointed but stills managed to put something comfortable

baldi runs outside making sure to lock the door and gos to the nearest bus stop and minutes passed by but baldi makes it to kenniths house later knocking on the door very exhausted

kennith opens the door pulling baldi inside baldi was all wet and needed new clothes kennith takes baldi upstairs for new clothes after a while they come down stairs

baldi gos to the diner table sitting down while playtime was playing with her dolls kennith comes with the food and they start eating

At the diner table, Baldi and Kenneth chat intimately, laughing and joking. Playtime listens in, wondering if there is more to their relationship than she imagined.

they all eat and baldi looks at the two and speaks up I thought we could have a movie night.. has kennith was about to say something playtime cuts of MOVIEE NIGHTT making baldi chuckle same thing with kennith they went on talking about what movies they will watch and when and that night baldi decided to stay with kennith.

later on kennith makes sure playtime was in bed sleeping before leaving closing the door shut slowly and go in to his bedroom there baldi was already in the bed kennith closes the doors before jumping into the bed also kissing baldi later on before falling asleep.

so remaking this a lot has changed I guess I wanted to make it different it was short because I was in a rush but yeahh-

baldi x principal (fan fiction) Where stories live. Discover now