Tokoyami took a deep breath, preparing himself for whatever chaos awaited them. If he had learned anything from his experiences with Y/n, it was that life was often unpredictable and demanded moments of spontaneity.

As the trio made their way out of the agency, they quickly follow the tall raven haired male. Their first stop,

"Mrs. Midnight's agency?"

"Yeah, she's super chill so I doubt she'll call the cops right away"

So Y/n enters the building, opening their mouth to say a word but immediately closing it "Midnight is not taking pictures, she's a very busy woman and hero"

"I-..... I didn't even say anything? But whatever, we're actually the pizza guys sooooo"

"Yeah, pro hero Hawks and his intern are pizza guys.... sureeeee" Y/n was getting angry, so he does what Inko Midoriya taught him to do when you want something.

He leans down real close to the lady. Gets in her face and puts on his most sincere face. "Can you take us to Midnight. Pretty please~"

The lady's face turned red and Hawks blushed as well. I mean a tall good looking half naked male just begged her for something. Their was really only one answer

"Y-yeah r-right this way sir" the lady stands up, leading the males across the HQ. Tokoyami is left no choice but to sigh as their journey continues. They eventually reach a door at the end of a hall. Tokoyami escorts the kind lady out of the direction of chaos incarnate

Once out of sight Y/n trys to open the door

"Huh locked? Oh well guess we can come back later"

"Nah it's alright I have the key!"

Y/n knocks on the door "Pizza delivery!"

"That's not going to wor-"

"About time!" The door opens as Y/n barges his way inside. Followed after by Hawks and Tokoyami who apologized.

"HAWKS! What the hell!" After awhile Hawks explains the situation. It didn't necessarily help but luckily Y/n brought his bribe

"Candy! We each get a piece and give one to eachother! That way we're all friends!" Y/n laughs, handing out the candy to the group as Midnight looks very confused

Y/n gives a candy to Hawks, then one to Tokoyami, then one to Midnight. Hawks gives a candy the three aswell. Tokoyami does the same, somewhat enjoying this strange bonding

Mrs. Midnight however only gave a candy to Hawks and then to Tokoyami. She didn't give a candy to Y/n, that's what the others saw.

Y/n saw that she simply put his candy in her mouth on accident. He obviously went and corrected the mistake


Y/n leaned in close to Mrs. Midnight, their lips almost touching before he snatched the candy from her mouth with his own. The room fell into a stunned silence as Mrs. Midnight's eyes widened in shock, not expecting such an impulsive action from the man.

Y/n immediately pulled away, a mischievous grin playing on his lips. "Gotcha!" he exclaimed, chuckling gleefully as he held up the candy triumphantly. "You were so surprised!"

Mrs. Midnight stood there, dumbfounded, her hand instinctively reaching up to touch her lips. Her face flushed with a combination of astonishment and confusion, not quite sure how to react to Y/n's playful gesture.

Hawks and Tokoyami exchanged incredulous glances, unable to hide their suprise.

"Y/N, you really know how to make an entrance," Hawks commented, smirking.

Feeling slightly embarrassed by the sudden turn of events, Mrs. Midnight cleared her throat and tried to regain her composure. "I-I see," she stammered, her cheeks still tinged with pink.

"Well...thank you for the candy, Y/n."

Y/n beamed, oblivious to the effect his actions had on Mrs. Midnight. "No problem! I just wanted to make sure everyone got their candy," he replied, unaffected by the awkwardness of the situation.

As the initial shock wore off, Mrs. Midnight's stunned expression transformed into a small smile. "Well, you certainly succeeded in surprising me," she admitted, her voice filled with a mix of amusement and bemusement.

The group shrugged off the unexpected moment, choosing to focus on the reason they had all gathered together in the first place. Y/n's childishness and impulsive actions brought a spark of energy and lightheartedness to the group, reminding them not to take themselves too seriously.

With newfound laughter and camaraderie, they set aside their differences and dove into the task at hand, their bond strengthened by the unforgettable candy mishap and Y/n's playful nature. And as they faced the challenges together, Y/n continued to sprinkle moments of childlike joy and unexpected surprises, leaving a lasting impression on Mrs. Midnight and the rest of the group.


"Ok so..... I need more candy."

"Their is a candy store nearby?" Tokoyami suggest as Y/n shakes his head. Swallowing another pill he looks around before thinking.

"Peppermint.... some nerds. And last but not least some Pop rocks~" Y/n ponders about his cand- I mean classmates. As Tokoyami glances at the pills he put in his pocket.

"Alright! Let's go get some candy!"

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