- love beyond labels - (onceler x male (ftm) reader)

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onceler x male (ftm) reader

onceler x male (ftm) reader

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you stepped into the small apartment you now called home, carrying a box of your belongings

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you stepped into the small apartment you now called home, carrying a box of your belongings. it was your first day as onceler's new roommate. you had been friends for a while, but circumstances had brought you closer together, and now you were sharing a living space.

as you unpacked your belongings, you couldn't help but steal glances at onceler, who was busy organizing his own things. his vibrant blue eyes sparkled with a mixture of curiosity and excitement. the more time you spent together, the more your feelings grew, and you found yourself hoping that he felt the same way.

days turned into weeks, and you and onceler settled into a comfortable routine as roommates and friends. late-night conversations and shared meals became the norm, filling your lives with laughter and warmth.

one evening, as you sat together on the couch, a movie playing in the background, you mustered the courage to express your feelings. the words danced on the tip of your tongue, but fear gripped your heart. you worried that your trans identity might complicate things.

taking a deep breath, you turned to face onceler, the nervousness evident in your voice. "onceler, can i talk to you about something important?"

he looked at you attentively, concern etched on his face. "sure. what's up?"

you fumbled with your words, trying to find the right way to convey your feelings. "i've been feeling something more than friendship for you. and i wanted to tell you, but i'm scared... i'm scared me being trans might change things between us."

onceler's gaze softened, and he reached out to take your hand. "y/n, you're incredible, and who you are doesn't change that. i've seen your strength and kindness, and those are the things that matter to me."

he paused, giving you a reassuring smile. "i won't deny that it might take some time to process my own emotions, but i want you to know that i care about you... a whole lot."

tears welled up in your eyes, a mixture of relief and gratitude.

"thank you," you whispered, your voice filled with emotion.

over time, your connection deepened. onceler's unwavering support and understanding allowed you to blossom, embracing your true self with confidence. as you both continued to navigate your evolving feelings, your bond grew stronger.

days turned into months, and eventually, the line between friendship and something more blurred. one evening, as the two of you sat under a starlit sky, onceler turned to you, a shy smile playing on his lips.

"y/n, i've spent a lot of time thinking about us, and i can't deny how i feel," he confessed. "being your roommate showed me just how much i love being around you. and i kinda wanna explore the possibility of being more than friends, if you're open to it."

a surge of happiness coursed through your veins, and you reached out to take his hand, intertwining your fingers. "i would love that," you replied, a genuine smile spreading across your face.

one lazy sunday morning, you woke up to the sound of onceler trying to perfect his pancake-flipping skills in the kitchen. you chuckled as you padded your way over, wrapping your arms around his waist from behind.

"looks like you're having fun doing that." you teased, nuzzling his neck playfully.

he turned around, flour dusting his cheeks, but his eyes were shining with amusement. "it's pancake flipping 101, y/n. wanna give it a try?"

challenge accepted. you donned an imaginary superhero cape, took the spatula, and attempted your most daring pancake flip. however, your pancake superhero didn't quite manage to soar like you had hoped. instead, it ended up on the floor.

onceler burst into laughter, and you just rolled your eyes. "whatever, you win." you conceded, pretending to pout as he continued to giggle.

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