Chapter 3: Warnings

Start from the beginning

"But aren't two originals better than one?" Stefan asked, a faint plea in his tone.

"It doesn't matter because we don't wish to see Klaus dead. However many times we have crossed each other, neither Elijah nor I want to be the one to deliver the killing blow because Klaus is our brother," Finn revealed.

"Great, of-fucking-course he's your brother." Damon yelled, tugging at his hair as he resumed his pacing. "Damnit!"

"Is there any chance you two know where he is? If we can keep tabs on him, then we can be better prepared," Stefan asked.

"Neither Finn nor I have been able to locate our brother," Elijah said, shutting the idea down.

"We have tried to track him, but even a coven of witches could not break the powerful cloaking spell. Our brother is a slippery bastard and we won't find him unless he wants to be found."

"So how long do you two think we have until he gets here?" Elena asked.

"My guess is that he's long since heard about you, Miss Gilbert. He will be here before the next full moon, so within the next week," Finn said, trying to soften his words with a gentle tone.

She was about to die after all. The least he could do is be polite.

"Great, so we have less than a week to find a way for Elena to survive and stay human," Damon huffed, tilting his head back. "I'm going to need another drink."


It was later in the afternoon when Elijah returned to the boarding house. He let himself in and found Damon drinking away in the library. The vampire sat in the center of the couch facing the fireplace, nursing a strong glass of alcohol.

"What do you want?" Damon called out, taking a sip of his drink before leaning his head back on the couch and tilting it toward the entry.

"Oh good, it's you. Come to give us something useful to work with or are you just here to reiterate everything we know about our impending doom?"

"Not quite," Elijah mused as he ran his hand along the bannister overlooking the lowered part of the room. "I'm here to give you a warning."

"A warning? Didn't you give us a big enough one earlier?"

"No. This warning is about something else."

"Is it about Klaus?"


Damon groaned and downed the rest of his drink, turning away from Elijah before flopping his head on the back of the couch. "Lay it on me, man. Can't get any worse."

"Never say never. Tell me Damon, have you heard of the great overtaking that occurred in Norway 800 years ago?"

"I thought you were going to give me a warning, not a history lesson."

"You are quick to assume this story serves no purpose. Have you or have you not heard of it?"

"Can't say I have. I'm a little rusty on my history of Norway facts."

Elijah's amused smirk slowly fell into an impassive look as he drew his eyes away from Damon and stared at the roaring fireplace, halting his movements. His hand kept a firm grip on the railing.

"As history tells it, 800 years ago the head of the royal guard of a very influential kingdom slaughtered the entire royal family and took the power of the crown for himself. Afterwards, he took the kingdom's military and went after the royal throne of the neighboring kingdom which the king's eldest daughter married into. The same daughter whose body was never found amongst the carnage."

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