Chapter 1

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Melo was lining the candles on the cake, finally realising a promise long due to her eniste, that she would organise a birthday party for him.

Serkan hugged his mother once he has hugged Kemal and was chatting with Engin and Pyril after having hugged them one by one.

Eda smiled, she had been so upset at forgetting his birthday, not only was it her love's birthday but it also marked one of her most fond memories with him, when she'd just fallen in love with him. But now that she saw him surrounded by their loved ones, Melo bear hugging him and then Engin kissing his cheeks and Pyril hugging him too, Eda could only breath contently. They were so lucky and loved.

She rubbed her belly, the baby kicking her again, and their family was getting bigger, she couldn't wait to hold their second baby, see Serkan be as doting and loving of a father as he was with Kiraz.

"Anne ? Could you get me the balloon ?" Kiraz asked her pointing at one of the balloon hanging to a tree.

"That one Annecim ?" Eda asked and Kiraz confirmed.

Eda looked back, to maybe get someone to do it but Serkan was busy with everyone, as Melo and Engin fought between who would give him their gift first. She shook it off, she should let him have his moment, she was pregnant and healthy, not incapacited.

She climbed on the ladder, reaching for the balloon when the wind picked up, making the unfixed ladder sway and she lost her balance.

Fear gripped her insides, her thoughts going to her baby as she braced herself to hit the ground, her baby bump collided with the side of the ladder despite her covering it with both arms and she fell ackwardly, her body twisted at the waist.

Serkan had heard her scream and rushed to reach for her but he was at the other end of the table and it all happened in barely ten seconds, she was on the ground before he could reach.

"Annee!!" Little Kiraz cried out reaching for her mother.

Eda opened her shut eyes, blinking and taking stock, her hands on her belly, stroking and feeling around. She was okay. She told herself wishfully, she tried rising as she felt Serkan hold her elbow and try to rise her.

"Eda ?? Iyi misin ??" He asked looking at her up and down and she breathed in and out, shutting her eyes. "Are you hurt ? Is the baby okay ? Eda ??" He panicked with alarm in his voice.

Eda reached for his hand and he gladly gave it to her, she held it as she tried to sit up and that's when searing pain seized her stomach and she cried out with pain.

"Eda ?" Serkan said with alarm at the evident pain she felt and a crowd of their relatives gathered around them, all calling out Eda but the pain she felt was blurring her surroundings.

She laid back down on the grass, curling in pain as she screamed with the agony that took over her, she closed her eyes, she felt dizzy because of the pain, the world blurring.

"Eda ?? Where does it hurt aşkim ? Someone please call an ambulance !" Serkan called out in absolute panic.

"Anne ?? Ben korkiyorum." Kiraz cried now, shock at seeing her mother in that much pain.

Was is her fault ? She had asked for the balloon, she made her Anne fall down, Anne never cried like that and Baba seemed out of mind with worry.

"Kiraz kizim, don't look, come here." Babanne held her in her lap but Kiraz wept with worry as Eda kept crying in pain.

"Eda, aşkim, hang on. Help's on the way, lütfen, hang on." Serkan begged her, squeezing her hand back as she held it tightly through the agonizing pain, fear for her baby was killing her.

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