sixteen...who's my father?

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Windy POV

I was in my room lyding on the bed while the TV playing soft music. My mind run's on my mom.

Is she scared to tell me about my dad? Is my dad a bad person?

No I can't think that, my dad isn't a bad person. mom is she hide the truth from me.

She always kept on lying to me, I wanna know why she doesn't want to tell me the truth.

I sigh sam I missed her even though she was lying to me the whole time.

She knew I was Kylie Jenner lost daughter that's why she told me to should stay away from those girls.

Because she knows that they weren't lying, I always loves and looked up to her but I hate how she lied to me

But I missed her so much, I don't stay in contact with her anymore I was angry at her

I missed my best friend too, since Kylie Jenner is my real parents lila thinks I was acting hype which I can never do

No matter what my life style is I never act hype and show of I sigh.

I heard a knock at the door

"Come in" the door open I see my mom walks in, I sit up on the bed while she sits beside me

"Are you ready to know the truth about your father?" She asked looking at me

"Yes mom" I answered she sigh and nodded

"It all begin with your aunt Kendall and I we're getting ready for a friend party"

Flash back


Young Kylie POV

"Kendall are you sure I should wear this dress?" I whined at Kendall who's busying doing her makeup

She turned around and rolled her eye's

"Kylie stop acting like a baby this dress it sexy on you" she said

"Yeah but it's way to short and I feel uncomfortable" I said

"No you don't, it's not your first wearing a dress"

"I know but this is one is too short it always riding up my thigh"

"Kylie stop whining we only have 10 minutes left

and you haven't done your and make-up yet for god sake"  she whisper shout

I nodded and went to my vanity chair and start to brush my hair.

It was already straight since I didn't want any curles.

After a few minutes, I let Kendall do my make-up, we finished and went downstairs.

"Ok here you go" mom hand us our card's

"Make sure not to drink alcohol and smoke" Kourtney said

"We don't" I said Kendall roll her eyes I shake my head at her

Why she's so moody today.

"Ok have fun you too!" mom shout

"Thanks mom and we will!" I shouted back going inside the car and close the door.

The driver start to drive the car.

"Remember I'll do my own thing and you do you're own thing okay?"

"Why are you being so mood today"

"I'm not, I just can't wait to reach there"

"Mhmm it's not like that party running away" I said

"Whatever " I lean back against the car seat

I hope he won't be there.

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