fifteen...who's my father?

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Next Day

Kylie woke up groaning while touching her head she feel someone lying beside her.

She look down seeing windy she while and cares her hand into her hair.

Windy start to wake up, she looked up seeing Kylie awake.


"Are you ok? I'm really sorry should I call grandma-" kylie shakes her head taking a hold her hand.

"I'm fine baby" windy sigh but look down, she's blaming her herself for what happened to kylie.

"I'm sorry" she head with her head down still, Kylie looked at her confused.

"For what baby?" Kylie asked

"Because of me you fainted"

"No baby, it's my fault I should have just told you everything from the moment I found you back"

"Mom" she called


"I wanna know everything, who's my father, why everyone didn't know you were pregnant with me

why didn't you tell them, and why did you gave me up for adoption" windy said

"I will baby I promise" windy hugged her, kylie smile in pain.

She doesn't want windy to know about her father, she knows what that man capable of.

But yet she didn't want her daughter to hate her more, a tear slip from her eyes.

She quickly wipe it away has windy pulls away from the hug.

Windy look at her mother she can see that her face is pale.

"Mom are you okay?"

"Yes I'm fine baby" she knows she's lying, but she just drop it, kylie held her hand windy looked up at her.

"Baby please don't ever leave me ok" Kylie said winy looked at her confused.

"Mom what-"

"Please promise me no matter what happens you won't leave me?" tears we're in her eyes

''Mom why are-" Kylie cut her off again

"Windy please promise me,baby please promise me you won't leave me I can't loose you again" Kylie crys out

"Mom I promise I won't leave you, please stop crying" windy wipes her tears

Kylie smile pulling her daughter into her embrace

"I promise I won't leave you mom" windy said, kylie closed her eyes with tears falling from them.

She sniffed and nodded has they pulled away from the hug.

"Are you okay now mom?"

"Yes baby"

"Please don't stressed yourself mom, I hate to see you like this" Kylie smiled

"I won't anymore baby"

"Where are the others?" Kylie asked

"I think they left expect grandma K" windy answered


"You hungry?" Kylie asked

"Yea just a bit though" windy said

"What about tacos"

"I love taco's!" Windy exclaimed

"Funny because when I was pregnant with you I always crave for taco's"


"Yes mom always make it for me whenever I crave for it" they both laugh and walks to the kitchen seeing Kris

"Oh my baby" Kris hug's her

"Are you okay?" She said

"Yes I'm fine mom what are you making?"


"Yes! That's why I did smile something so good" they smile looking at her

"Well it will be ready in 2 minutes"

"Okay I'll be in the living room" windy said and walks out

"Are you gonna tell her?" Kris suddenly said Kylie sigh

"Yes I promise her"

"Are you sure you want this Kylie?" Kris said

"It's not for me mom it's for windy, I can't keep this a sercet from her any longer she's gonna hate me more"

"I know honey I just want the best for the both you"

''I know mom, I have to tell her" Kris nodded. After a while they take the taco's to the living room

Windy was munching on her taco's while watching Tv, Kylie sit beside her.

"Windy" she turned her head

"Yes mom"

"You promise right?" Windy was confused but she realizes what her mother was talking about.

She sigh but smile

"Yes mom I promise to never leave you" kylie nodded they both enjoy their taco's while watching Tv

But promise are meant to be broken

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