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he threw the knife which was in his hand towards cheong san's direction which hit him........

he was fortunate enough that the knife hit him from the handle side. he groaned in pain as it still hit him hard. but we kept on running. we entered into the library. but to our bad luck, there were zombies all over. some students were saving themselves by climbing up on high shelves. i and Cheong San also decided to climb up the shelves only not because of zombies but also because of Gwi Nam. i climbed onto one shelve helping Cheong San for the same. we jumped onto the next one but Gwi Nam rushed into the library and started climbing up onto the shelves to chase us. we were jumping on shelves in different directions. Gwi Nam was chasing Cheong San as he was having the phone. i was running in different direction trying to attract zombies away from the exit. i jumped on the shelf on which one student was already there, trying to save himself. he got startled and pushed me off from the shelf. i fell on my back which was hurting as fu*k. suddenly three zombies rushed towards me hearing the sound. i got up real quick and climbed onto the other shelf. as i was climbing, one of the zombie held my leg. i tried to kick him off me but i was already exhausted. i kept on trying i took a sec to again kick him off from all the power i had left in me. he  let go off my leg and i climbed up. i carefully again started jumping onto other shelves. i tried to look at Cheong San's and Gwi Nam' s direction. Gwi Nam was very close to cheong san and at the next jump they both were on the same shelf. gwi nam smirked at cheong san as it was the last shelf he could further go. cheong san tried to push gwi nam off the shelf but gwi nam was careful enough and pinned him down on the shelf trying to grab the phone from cheong san's hand. grip from cheong san's hand loosed and phone was falling down but anyhow cheong san managed to grab it from the other hand. gwi nam held his arm and bended it towards the zombies. i was so scared to see the current situation i tried to get close to them and stop them but zombies in between the way were stopping me.

GWI NAM: " beg for your life you asshole." he said while smirking. still bending cheong san's hand to an extent that it could broke.

CHEONG SAN: " screw you bitch" he said being determined not to give him phone at any cost.

just then cheong san hit gwi nam hard on his eye with the edge of the phone and pushed him off the shelf.

i saw the whole scene in front of my eyes. cheong san hit him so hard that he lost his eye. his eye was bleeding. he groaned so hard from the horrible pain he felt. cheong san pushed him from the shelf and he fell on zombies who were biting him mercilessly. i fell on the shelf, seeing my childhood friend dying in front of my eyes. ik he was cruel, ik he was a bully and he even murdered the principal but he was still so close to my heart somewhere inside me. i felt myself losing control and started crying. tears rolling down my eyes, my throat was dry feeling like  something stuck in it. my whole body felt weak. cheong san killed gwi nam in front of me. even though he did it in self defence but still i was having so many memories with him. i cried not caring about my life anymore. i dont know why i was crying or caring so much but something was inside me who felt terrible believing the truth. cheong san was shocked himself of what he did. he didnt meant to do something like this but gwi nam left him with no other option.

cheong san rushed towards my direction and jumped a long jump to reach me. he held my hand to make me stand and started dragging me with him. i was still crying silently not sure to leave gwi nam like that but now he wasnt alive perhaps he was also zombie by now.

we were running , trying to get out of the library . suddenly my leg tripped and the shelf on which we were on ,fell hitting the next shelf and all the shelves were falling like jenga. we anyhow managed to reach the last one in time or we would have been crushed to death beneath them.

we started to run saving ourselves to any room which was safe. we entered into a empty class. it was music room. we closed the door behind us and took a breath of relief. as soon as i sat on the ground exhausted, all that scene of gwi nam flashbacked in my eyes. i hugged myself and cried. 

cheong san tried to comfort me and patted my head. 


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