Part 1 (Matteo)

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I'm going to rip my eyes out. The girl next to me has been rambling for the past 10 minutes about...well, I haven't been listening but she won't shut up. I came in here to get a coffee and meet some but of course, he is late. Leaving me with this stranger who doesn't know how to be quiet.

"But you can call me Iliana and I-" She stops what she is saying and mumbles something to herself. "Sorry. Um, it was nice to meet you. I'll just go. Sorry for bothering you." She grabs her cup of coffee which is still relatively full and leaves the café. That was weird.

I mean I'm glad she stopped talking. She looked almost sad. Oh well. At least I have some quiet.

The bell to the café chimes and in walks Kai. He sits down beside me and starts talking about someone who might be betraying us. "The Gambino Family is getting a little close for comfort. I think we have a mole. I've seen people from that mafia near us when we are in our wear houses and they are extremely under the radar. There has to be a trader." I nod and agree with him.

"I need you to make a list of people who have been acting differently or just odd. Hand me that list when it's done and I'll look over it. Do some research on them as well." I stand up and walk out.

I light a cigarette and smoke it while I walk down the sidewalk. The sky is a dark grey color and it isn't very bright outside. I get onto my motorcycle and toss the cigarette on the ground.

As I'm driving I see the same girl from the coffee shop walking with her phone next to her ear and her head done. She throws her hand up while talking to the person on the other end.

I don't get to look at her for very long before I pass her. I think nothing of it and continue to drive.

As I drive I wrack my brain to remember what she was talking to me about. Not that I care, I'm just curious now.

I think it has something to do with family, wait no, maybe her friends. I'm not sure. She changed the topic 6 times. She's a talker.

I'm not sure why she's stuck in my head. I guess she left an impression. I didn't look at her that much. All I remember was she had long hair and I think she had blue eyes. I'm not sure, they could have been green.

I pull into the driveway and turn off my bike. I take off my jacket and walk inside. "Afternoon Mr. Caruso. How was your morning?" William takes my jacket. William has worked for me for as long as I can remember. He does the basic things like taking my coat or bringing me documents.

"It was alright William," I say and head to my office. I sit down in my leather chair and go over some paperwork. I've been working for the mafia for my whole life. I grew up in it.

My father left it to me when he died. I have brothers of course but, the oldest is the next in line. This is all just busy work. None of it is important.

I sign some papers without really reading them and send them to William to make sure I will be cool with actually doing whatever I signed.

I rest my feet on my desk and there is a pounding on my door. "Just break the door down I guess," I say sarcastically and stand up to open the door. To no surprise, I am met with my brother.

"Afternoon brother," I say with a roll of the eyes and let him walk in. "Why bless me with your presence today?"

He shakes his head with a sigh and sits down. "Look, you need to start caring about the decision you make. I saw those papers you signed. Matteo, did you even read them?"

I scoff. "No, why would I read them? William makes sure it's ok and if he thinks I wouldn't agree he sends them back." Marco groans.

"Matteo, these are reckless actions. Father taught you better than this." He says throwing his hands in the air. I snap to my feet and grab him by his collar.

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