Sl-egg-h Bells Jingling. Ring-ting-tin-gl-ing too

Start from the beginning

Mr. Freeze didn't know who he was out of costume and it wouldn't make sense that a random civilian could take him down... even if they were transported on some weird Christmas special-like adventure. Though the outfit was stupid, Mr. Freeze was not and would easily recognize him as Damian Wayne with his face on full display like this.

He felt across his body for the hidden weapons on his person. Finding none, Damian was forced to improvise by breaking into what looked like a sporting goods store. If he was supposed to be the Grinch stealing Christmas then he was going to steal what he needed. Going up against a Gotham Rogue with nothing was a good way to get yourself killed. Damian took his time perusing the store. Several knives that didn't look like they should work filled the glass case. He grabbed the ones that looked like he was used to and hid them on his body.

Taking off the Santa hat, another appeared without fail. Damian took some leather straps to craft an impromptu face mask out of the soft red fabric. He reinforced it with leather so that it wouldn't snap from the slightest bit of resistance. The rest of the suit would have been reinforced as well but there wasn't much time to do anything other than elbow and knee pads. It was bad enough that he had stopped to make a mask, there was no telling how long it would take before Mr. Freeze started taking advantage of the situation.

I can't believe that there is a sporting goods store with knives and stuff in a kids' Christmas story.

Damian smirked as he finished gathering up a couple of more things. "That's why they always bore me." The snowstorm outside was finally letting up. He looked around with Cujo large at his side. "If I was Mr. Freeze... where would I be?"

Why not at the giant Christmas tree?

The young vigilante turned his attention to the town's central plaza where Mr. Freeze stood. The man stood facing the gigantic tree solemnly, not saying a word. Damian got as close as he dared and crouched in the snow within an alley, keeping a close eye on his target. As far as he could tell, the rogue hadn't done anything harmful yet. No need to give away that he was here until the man did.

Mr. Freeze's gaze never left the brightly decorated tree. "I once loved Christmas rather sincerely. Now, all it does is make me weary. The bells, the ribbons, and the bows. All this does is aid my woes. Memories I wish I could no longer recall. If this is all Christmas brings then I would rather end it all!" He pointed his freeze ray at the tree and fired. The fifteen-foot tree was frozen solid within seconds. There was a tiny gasp and everyone was looking toward the sound.

Little Cindy Lou who had heard a noise and snuck on outside. Wandered the dark streets the quiet they belied. A small Who girl stood at the end of the street. Her eyes were wide at what she had just witnessed. Not moving at all, her body giving in to stiffness. "But why sir, why? Why would you do that to our tree? Why do so to such a degree?"

Now Mr. Freeze smiled a rather nasty smile. He pointed his weapon at the child and he began to speak for a while.

"Because Christmas is awful and it always will be. If you went through what I went through then you would agree. Christmas isn't as innocent as it appears." The freeze ray began to wind up with a bright blue light. It fired right at the small child as Mr. Freeze continued to rant. "If you looked closer at it then-"

"Hey, look! Santa's here!" The little Who girl cut off the Rogue when Damian ran out of his hiding spot and snatched the girl out of harm's way. Skillfully rolling so that his body took the brunt of the force. He rolled onto the balls of his feet, clutching the small girl close. Damian didn't stop. He continued his sprint away from the threat. Mr. Freeze snarled firing several blasts in the child vigilante's direction. Each one getting closer to their mark.

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