Farm Chores Eggnd Trauma Bombs

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But wouldn't he see me as a meta? There aren't supposed to be metas in Gotham.

"That rule doesn't exist because Father despises metas. Though the populace does like to skew it that way and it is misleading." Realizing this conversation was going to take a while, Damian finished setting up the new bedding in Batcow's stall and sat down in it. The cow made her way from the yard into the stall and laid down with Damian happily snuggling against her warm stomach. "Father works with many metas and more with the Justice League. His best friend is Superman and he would bring the world down on anyone who grievously harms one of their members. Even one of the batclan is a meta, Signal."

Then why is that rule there in the first place?

The youngest Wayne chuckled darkly. "Have you seen what Gotham has to deal with on a daily basis? Plants attacking humans, a homicidal clown, mad scientists, and corrupt politicians. All of them looking for ways to meet their goals. None of them are above using mind control to do it. That rule acts as a safety measure for the metas as well as for us. Gotham could be leveled in a day if one of the rogues got in control of a powerful meta. Doesn't matter if the meta is willing or not. We know that there are probably metas living in the city. We run into them from time to time. But because of that rule, they are keeping their powers hidden and so they are less likely to be trafficked or kidnapped to do something worse."

That... actually makes a lot of sense. I've been mind-controlled before and it was not fun... No one believed me when I tried to claim innocence either.

"So I've seen in some of the articles I've read. Your fears are unfounded. If you wished, you would be welcomed with open arms. Especially Thomas. He may not say it but being the only meta among normal people does get to him sometimes." Damian sighed in relief when the apprehensive feeling went away. He was getting better at this. "And in the rare insignificant chance that Father says no, I will make him say yes." The amusement returned from Danny.

How would you go about doing that?

Damian smirked "I have my ways. Father is a lot of things but he cannot win against me if I truly want to get my way." Danny snorted but didn't comment. The two fell into an amiable silence and Damian closed his eyes, enjoying the brief break.

... I'll think about it. Thanks.

It was as close to a yes that Damian was going to get. The boy stood up and brushed some stray hay that had stuck to his pants. "On this note, we need to discuss something. Previously, I always took you on patrol with me. You would rest in a pocket of my utility belt so you wouldn't accidentally get hit or stolen if I wore you around my neck. Do you think you will be able to handle it?"

What do you mean? I've patrolled before. I used to patrol my hometown all of the time.

"Tt. That was before what happened to you." Damian watched Jerry chase Cujo around the barn undoing some of the work he had already put in. Cujo would escape the turkey's attack by phasing through the barn walls and popping up in a different spot. Jerry would squawk indignantly and the chase would begin anew. "You almost turned me into a popsicle when Drake tried to touch my forehead. Though I'm pretty sure he spilled the water on purpose for a different reason, there had been no ill intent and you knew who the person was. Out on the streets will be different. These people will try to harm me. I can't have you freezing every available surface each time someone throws a punch in my general direction."

"I also can't say that I don't want to come on patrol. It would be out of character and a few of my family members are already suspicious." Not to mention, he really needed to see what had happened in the past week. Damian hadn't even been allowed into the cave and he knew that there had to be GIW involvement or more. Which was another thing that he would need to tell Danny about. There was a good chance that they would encounter the jerks in white suits, not that the ghost could differentiate color right now. But they are a very obvious bunch and having them chase Damian across rooftops, calling him 'ghost scum' would be a dead giveaway.

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