Eggspressing Emotions

Start from the beginning

A haze started to move in with the darkness returning anew. The shapes, sounds, and everything else became muted. This wouldn't do. The darkness was a sweet escape but the person who harmed could be nearby. He needed to know more about his surroundings. He couldn't hide in the darkness anymore. If only he could break through it...

Damian yelped as he was suddenly covered in a thin layer of ice that stretched up to his neck with Cujo barking off to his side. The young boy looked down at Danny's core and watched as the iridescent sheen swirled in a soft glow. Night had long since started with the stars peeking betwixt his curtains. Damian stretched his neck and sighed when he felt the tension begin to release from falling asleep in an awkward position. It looked like Danny wasn't out of the nightmare woods yet. He stroked his thumb across Danny's core just like before-

Where am I? What is this place? Who is holding me? Is that Cujo? Why is he here? How did he get here?

Foreign thoughts invaded Damian's mind, making his own thoughts come to a crashing halt. His thumb lifted off of the ghost core and the invasive questions ceased. He gently placed his thumb back on Danny's core and the questions returned anew. Damian sat frozen (literally) for a moment longer before saying in disbelief. "Danny?" Now it was the ghost's turn for his thoughts to come to an abrupt stop. It would have made Damian happy if he wasn't worried that he had scared the teen.

...Hello? Can... can you hear me?

The thoughts were stuttered but Damian could work with this. "Hearing would imply that there is sound. This is more like your thoughts are being projected into my head but yes... I can hear you." He could almost feel the eye roll that he got from the ghost teen and fought back a smirk. If the teen could snark then he was definitely getting better. "I'll answer your questions but could you retract the ice? It's starting to reach the floor and Father has heat sensors in the house. I would rather not alarm him for the second time tonight with a random cold spike in my room. I doubt that you want to attract further attention to yourself as well." Shock and surprise were expressed across the connection.

Oh! I'm sorry! You should have told me sooner! I could have turned you into a popsicle!

Ice crept back up the comforter from the floor as the room started to return back to a normal temperature. Damian sighed in relief once his skin was no longer covered in the frozen crystals. "It's fine. This is not the first time you've iced me over. It's cold but it's obvious that you never intended to harm me. I can survive a little cold."

I've done it more than once?! Just how long have I been with you?

"Since we met. You have hardly left my side since I found you."

...and where... exactly, did you find me?

Danny sounded apprehensive which was understandable. This was the first time he was 'awake' in six months. Damian would be concerned as well if he was in the ghost boy's position. But this was not a conversation that he was ready to have yet. He had hoped that there would have been more of a warning for when Danny regained consciousness. Then Damian could have had time to plan out what he wanted to say. Now, the only reassurance he could give the teen was to admit who he was. Which also meant that he would be outing his entire family to an unknown. Something that his Father rarely condoned.

Damian let his head hit the headboard as the feeling of apprehension continued to grow from Danny. Oh well, he was already in trouble for hiding an injured child from Bruce, why not add another transgression to the mix? "You were bleeding out behind a dumpster in Gotham," Damian replied and waited for Danny to piece it together. He didn't know how much the ghost boy remembered of the moments before he regressed into his core.

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