Superboy looked up and squinted his eyes. "It looks like almost everyone has been safely evacuated. There are some ambulances outside but I don't see any bodies in the debris. There is a high chance that there are only people who got injured and no deaths. Signal seems to have the Joker contained... Uh... well he isn't the only one here."

"Who else is here?" Robin crosses his arms with an eyebrow raised. There was no way that his father and the others could be here that quickly. If anything they would be just arriving in about ten minutes.



Gunshots were heard as Red Hood barreled down the hallway with three men in white, hot on his heels. He slid perfectly around a corner and fired back at the men who were aiming their green lasers at him. Damian pulled Superboy behind the teacher's desk and positioned it so that it lined up with the doorway. When Hood ran past their room, Robin waited until the men in white got closer and, with the aid of Jon's super strength, they shoved the desk into the hallway. The men cried out in pain as they ran into the mass of wood and metal.

Robin and Superboy were quick to jump over the desk and knock out the men with Red Hood skidding to a halt a few feet down. He closed the distance while looking the two preteens over critically. "What are you two doing here? Are either of you hurt?"

They shook their heads. "Why were these men chasing you?" Robin asked, taking the time to search the men who were going after Jason.

"Also you got here really fast," Superboy stated while he pushed the desk back into the office.

"Was already being chased by these guys when I noticed Joker was on the move and followed. Glad I did." Red hood reloaded his pistols and put them in their holsters. There was no way he was going to allow the clown prince to harm other children. The man scowled down at his pursuers with great disdain. "These guys do NOT know when to quit! They have been chasing me through Crime Alley for the past week and now they are raiding a school. They keep calling me a ghost!"

Superboy rubbed his chin in thought. "Well, there was that one time you died..."

"Yes, but do I look like Casper to you? I prefer zombie, thank you very much."

Robin pulled out an odd device that seemed to emit a green pulse. He held it away from his body and the pulsing dimmed then he pointed it toward Jason and the pulsing picked up again. "They can track you."

"It looks like they can track you too, brat," Hood stated when the tracker did the same thing when Damian brought it closer to his own body. Robin tossed the tracker to Superboy and it immediately dimmed. So it only worked on Jason and Damian. This was how they were able to track Danny but why was it honing in on Jason?

More men in white blocked one end of the hall with their guns focused on the three vigilantes in front of them. "Stand down! We have two ecto-entities. Surrender or be arrested for violating the law for aiding and abetting a ghost." An agent who looked very familiar to Damian stepped forward from the group. Then it clicked. That man was Agent K. He was one of the men taking samples of Danny's blood from the alley.

A sinister smirk made its home on Robin's face. These men weren't going to let Jason and him leave. Well, if they were going to insist on being training dummies then Damian could use a little sword practice. "Superboy, go help Signal and the emergency services. Your ability to locate others will be crucial if someone is stuck." Robin made a show of pulling out his sword and brandishing it to the group of agents.

"But it looks like you guys need help here..."

"Nah, go help the light of Gotham. We have this handled." Jason dropped his hands to his sides. His fingers ghosted over the handles of a couple of pistols.

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