"New Girl's doing cheer, by the way." Andrew smirked at me.

I raised my eyebrow, "How do you know?"

"I saw her during tryouts yesterday."

"Ok, and?"

He rolled his eyes, "You guys are getting the field next to them today."

I bit my lip slightly and took a glance at Kaitlyn standing suspiciously close to her in line, "She's taken, remember?"

He scoffed amusedly, "Since when are you scared of Kaitlyn Zhao?"

I rolled my eyes, "Want my nuggets? I'm not hungry." Dismissing the conversation.

"Duh." he said with his mouth half full, scooping the chicken nuggets off my plate.


"Gigi and Cece, sitting in a tree K-I-S-S-I-N-G." I teased as I watched Gia approach the soccer field.

"Shut the fuck up. Nothing happened." She shoved me. Her and Cole never came back to the lunch table, so everyone assumed they finally hooked up.

"Lameeee." I rolled my eyes.

"You're one to talk. You spent every practice last year giving Tessa googly eyes, and where did that lead you?" she teased.

I scoffed, "Hey, I dodged a bullet there."

"Bitch, you didn't dodge shit!" she cackled. "I was there for the aftermath."

I rolled my eyes, "How was I supposed to know she was straight?"

"She had a boyfriend, Lex."

I rolled my eyes harder, "Whatever, go get the pennies from the shed."

After 10 or so minutes of setting up in silence, student athletes began to pour out of the school, creating a low but constant murmur in the air.

"Isn't this a beautiful day for soccer tryouts?" Gia smiled sadistically.

"If you mean humid and sticky, you'd be right." I sighed, fanning myself with my shirt.

"Mmm, I can already smell the half digested chicken nuggets laying in a puddle on the ground." she hummed as she tied her braids up.

"The amount of enjoyment you get out of freshmen suffering is concerning." I chuckled, grabbing the cones out of the soccer shed.

"Hey, if I had to go through it, they do too." she justified, referencing our coach's notoriously rough second day of tryout drills; Coach likes calling it "weedout day" because it gets rid of all of the people who aren't fit for Varsity level. Weedout day always hits freshmen the worst because they don't know it's coming. Both Gia and I got the pleasure to experience throwing up our lunch freshman year too; it was almost a tradition at this point.

"You do realize we still have to do tryouts as captains, right?" I double-checked.

"Trust me, I would've eaten lunch if I thought I wasn't doing tryouts." she laughed, throwing a bag of soccer balls on the ground.

Moments later, the cheer team emerged from the school carrying giant mats over to the side of the soccer field. Naturally, I scanned through them, looking for familiar faces. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't excited for numerous practices we'd have together this season.

"Do you think New Girl's doing cheer?" I asked absentmindedly as I watched the girls set up. I knew Andrew said so, but her absence left me oddly on edge.

"Jesus Christ, dude. Is there ever a time of day where you aren't horned up?" Gia joked, leaning on the shed door next to me.

I rolled my eyes hard, "It was just a question." I defended as I watched more and more cheerleaders pour out of the building. I was ready to give up my search, but right as I went to turn around, Kaitlyn caught my eye.

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