"I like it here, Finn," she answered.

Finn chuckled, giving her a kiss on the forehead as he walked over to his bag. "You'll like it in WWE, too," he replied, not thinking too much about his response. He figured she was just overthinking and doubting her abilities and he wanted to ensure that wasn't the case.

However, he had his own doubts. Beth was a huge part of both the Bullet Club and of him. He hadn't spent a day without her since her mother died and every day he began to love the girl more and more.

He wanted to be with her, but he didn't want to hold her back. She was made for more than just escorting and occasional matches. He trained Beth Lynch to break boundaries in women's wrestling and he'd be damned to get in the way of her actually doing it.

Maybe he could follow her. Kenny had spoken negatively about his experience within the company and Finn knew that Vince preferred bigger men, but maybe he could join Ring of Honor or Impact Wrestling, instead. The independent scene was crazy in America from what he had learned.

It was why he started negotiating with an agent in the United States.

Beth shook her head, frustrated that Finn wasn't understanding where she was coming from. He seemed to blow off her words and it hurt her. Did he not care as much as she did? Was he pushing her away?

She sighed, not wanting to cry so close to show time. "You're right," she croaked, leaving the locker room before Finn could see that she was lying.


Beth sighed, running a hand through her hair as she ignored Becky's call for what seemed like the millionth time. The ringing of her phone had been cycling through Becky, Seth, and her Club friends.

"You're going to have to answer that eventually," Finn spoke, cooking eggs in the kitchen. He had a ritual of making her and himself breakfast in the morning. As of late, he seemed to always be cheery in the morning even though she was the morning person.

Finn had decided to follow Beth back to Florida without getting a living situation together. It was a great coincidence that she had a two bedroom apartment. He had a habit of making himself at home.

Where the old Beth would've done anything to live once again with The Prince, the new Beth didn't seem to care.

Her leg had still been heavily wrapped from surgery, and she wasn't allowed to place any weight on it at all. She had felt like a useless couch potato. Everything now was a chore. "I don't have to do anything," she replied, flipping the television channels with the remote in her hand.

Finn sighed. He had never seen Beth like this before. To be honest, he didn't think she had this in her. "Besides," he heard her voice from the living room again, "weren't you the one who tried to get me to ditch Becks anyways?"

Finn set the eggs onto a plate for Beth. He grabbed a fork and walked the dish out to the living room. "That was before I understood where you were coming from."

"And you don't understand now?" she countered, watching him set the plate on the coffee table.

Finn glanced at her with a raised eyebrow. "I understand why you are avoiding your sister," he agreed, pausing. "But Seth and AJ, Karl and Luke? Those guys had no idea."

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