"Come on let's talk inside, it's too cold out here and she's barely wearing enough." Dante turned around and started to walk back towards the mansion.

Luciano took off his suit jacket and placed them around my shoulders, making sure to tuck the sides into my arms to keep me completely warm and cozy. He placed an arm around my shoulder and proceeded to walk with me.

"Can't get you sick now can we?" He smiled down at me as we approached the front door, "Want some hot cocoa?"

I smiled back and nodded. I was too cold and hot chocolate does sound good.

I'll run away when it's less cold I guess.

"Can you put a fluffy marshmallow in it too please?"

He chuckled as he directed me towards the stairs. I've never been up these stairs before, Zo had told me it was strictly off-limits for bar workers.

"Only the fluffiest fluffy marshmallow for the prettiest girl." He winked at me at me before coming to a complete halt in the middle of the stairs. His hand flew off of my shoulder and slapped against his mouth as he looked at me with wide eyes.

It looked like he had just seen a ghost.

"Jesus Avery, what the fuck happened to your face?!" At that, Dante also stopped in his tracks and turned around from where he was to look at me. Since it was dark outside they wouldn't have been able to see the bruise covering the sides of my face. Now that we were inside, where it was brightly lit, the purple colouring must have stood out a lot.

"Shit Avery!" He jumped a few steps to reach us and looked at my jaw. "Did someone do this to you?"

"I-" I didn't even know her name and if I were to tell them the truth, what would happen to her?

These men seem to always resort to shooting someone. If I told them it was her, would they shoot her? That would mean someone's life would be in my hands. And if they shot her, she'd barely be able to survive, which means I practically murdered someone.

"Earth to Avery?" Luci waved a hand in front of my face, jolting me back a little in shock.

"I fell." I brought a hand to my cheek, using it to cover the bruise. "Can I have that hot chocolate now?"

"Oh yeah, I need a drink too, tonight's been rough." With that he carried on walking with me and Dante trailing behind.

"I know you didn't fall." I looked up at Dante as we continued to walk down a long corridor. "Who did this you Avery? You can tell me, you know that right?"

I sighed, my hand that was resting on my cheek fell to the hem of Luci's suit jacket. My fingers fidgeting with it slightly.

"I'm okay, I fell when I was outside," I looked at him this time, "Really."

"Hm," He went in front of me and opened the door, making sure to lean against it to give me room to walk in, "I don't believe you, but I won't push it."

"Thank you." I gave him a small smile and quickly ducked past him. 

My mouth fell agape as I looked around the room.

The floors were covered in a pearly white marble tile, with elements of thin gold detailing. A set of black couches sat on one side of the room, a matching black glass table in between them. On the other side of the room was a small bar, with cases of wine, liquour and all sorts of colourful bottles.

"Nice aye?" Luciano winked at me from the bar and then continued to rummage through the cabinets.

"You can sit Avery." Dante walked past me and smiled, a glass cup of brown liquor in his hand as  placed himself down on the velvet couch.

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