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The 4 boys loved to have monthly sleepovers and with the news that just came out with Innie, they had to get together and have one asap.

"Ok I have the drinks, snacks and of course the uno cards" Han smiled as he came into the room, they liked hanging out at Han's house because he had a big room and his parents were always working late.
They always pretended they owned the house and they were all roommates living together.

They gathered on the floor, ate snacks, played uno and talked a lot.. "so Innie how was it ? You know"
Han bravely asked, Innie rolled his eyes.
"Ok it was a nice size .. alright" he giggled.
"Where did you do it at ?" Suengmin asked as he took a sip of his drink.
Innie became red instantly as he covered his face "his car" he said shyly, the three boys immediately getting up "HIS CAR ?" They yelled in sync.

Innie was red at this point "yes his car, now sit down" the boys sat down and were waiting for Innie to spill the details.

Innie went in to detail about how there was an end of the school year party, and he got a little drunk and they played spin the bottle. He was dared to kiss Chan and they enjoyed it so much that they decided to talk afterwards, a couple weeks passed by of them flirting and boom they did it in his car.

The three of the boys fully engrossed in the story as they listened to the boy get giddy explaining all the details. Felix loved seeing his friend happy explaining how sweet chan is and how he takes care of the younger, but apart of him was sad .. he wanted to feel that, he wanted to know what it's like to feel that way for someone.

"So lix, what do you plan to do with Hyunjin ?" Seungmin asked, Felix thought for a second as he recalled back to the conversation he heard in the bathroom. "Umm .. I don't know"
"What do you mean you don't know ? What happened to your plan ?" Han asked as he shuffled the uno cars.
Felix knew how hyunjin felt about virgins and that just lessened his chance to be with him even more.

"In the bathroom ... he said he "doesn't do" virgins, says they get attached too quickly .. so he has a no virgin policy." The boys felt for Felix, they knew it wasn't that serious and not sleeping with Hyunjin wasn't the end of the world but it meant a lot to their friend. Seungmin thought for a second before he shared his idea, "well what if .. now hear me out, what if you lie and say you're not a virgin ?"
The boys looked at him and shook their heads, "that wouldn't work .. we're taking a sex Ed course together and I completely gave myself away." He sighed. "Besides that's not even the main thing, he's straight and he has a girlfriend.. I just need to let that idea go and move on" Felix said in an faltered empowering tone.
His friends knew he was just saying this to make himself feel better but it wasn't exactly wrong.

"Well let's go to sleep, we still have school tomorrow" Innie said. All the boys made their little beds and got ready to sleep, within the hour Han and Seungmin were fast asleep but Felix was wide awake.
He was just thinking of lots of things, not just about the whole virginity situation but about how he hasn't done lots of things in his social life, his parents were pretty conservative when he was growing up so lots of things average teenagers do, he's never done.
That includes parties, school dances, sneaking out and staying out till 3 am. He sometimes envied Han, Seungmin and Innie because they have lived such a fun life, they have plenty of stories to tell.

He wishes he could be like that, "Hey lixie are you awake ?" He heard a voice say. He shifted in his makeshift bed and turned only to see Innie calling him. "Oh yeah, I'm awake" he whispered.
Innie slowly moved over to the boy and laid down next to him "what are you thinking about ?" The younger whispered to him. Felix who was thinking of lots of things simply replied "nothing"
Innie wasn't convinced, he knew his friend wouldn't be up this late NOT thinking about anything.
"Lix .. about earlier, you know I support you in whatever you want to do.. and if you want to get with Hyunjin. I think you should" Innie stated.
Felix turned to the boy as he rested his head on his arms, "it's not just about him, You know Innie, you guys have had amazing memories in high school and here I am with nothing but my awards and good grades" he sighed. Innie looked at the boy who was clearly upset about all this, "Lix .. it's never too late to make memories and do the things you want to do now. We have 8 months of school left, so make the most of those 8 months !" He encouraged.
Felix smiled, the boy was completely right. Instead of dwelling on the past of what he didn't do, he should focus on doing the things he wants to do.

"Write out a bucket list !" Innie suggested.

Felix nodded, as that was a great idea and the two sat in silence for a while, "Innie did your first time feel romantic ?" Felix whispered.
Innie looked at him and chuckled "not one bit but I can't go back now .."
"Do you regret it ?" He asked.
Innie turned to him fully and smiled at him "no.. I like him a lot and even if I did I couldn't change it"
Felix looked at the boy with a slight smile "I hope my first time is romantic.. I've always wanted it to be special" he whispered softly.
Innie smiled at his cuteness and his innocence
"Lix, your heart is too pure for this generation"

They smiled at each other and then fell asleep.

Teenage Dream Where stories live. Discover now