Wuthering Heights.

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After Felix left the bathroom, he went straight to the lunch room. He made his way to the table him and his friends would usually sit at. He sat down covering his face with his backpack as it was growing again, mentally telling himself to calm down. "Hi Lixie" he heard as he saw his friends come up to the table.
"Why are you hiding ?" Han asked as he sat down right next to the boy, the boys were eating and in conversation, as they heard a voice come up.
Felix looked up from behind the back pack only to see the man he's flustered over standing there.
"Uh - you forgot your pen" Hyunjin said as he handed the pen over to the boy.
Felix and his friends couldn't believe the man was standing right in front of them, "Lix grab the pen" han whispered as he noticed the boy wasn't doing anything but staring. Felix took the pen and nodded "um .. thank you" he said as he went back behind the backpack. Hyunjin looked at him with a look of "okay ?" And then walked off, going back to the gazebo where all the popular kids hung out.

"Oh my God Felix ! How ? Why ? When ?" Seungmin was scrambling his words as he tried to figure out how the man knew Felix. The brunette could only face palm himself "he's my desk partner in math" Felix said nervously. The 3 boys mouths hung open "oh my god lix ! Do you know what that means !" Screamed Hannie. Felix looked at him not quite understanding what he was excited for.
"Um no ..?" Felix replied, Han rolled his eyes "this means you have the perfect opportunity to fulfill your wish !" He exclaimed.
"Look I know you're shy and I get that but if you become friends with him ! Maybe You can ask him !" Han stated.

Felix wasn't sure about it .. he can't just become friends with the guy and then ask him that question.
"Hannie .. I don't know .. I can't just become his friend and then just ask "oh by the way now that we're friends, can you take my virginity ?" Felix sighed. Seungmin looked at the boy who was slightly disappointed "I mean why not ? People do it all the time, it's called being friends with benefits" he explained.

Shorty after the bell rang, the boys headed to their last class. Felix was excited to go to literature and writing class, it was an elective he chose because he loved to write. He loved writing and reading stories, so many things can be found in a book, it was like a movie but on paper. He got to the class room and surprisingly it wasn't as full as he thought it would be, he figured it was most likely due to the fact that not everyone loved to write and read for fun.

He found his way to a seat where he and the other students waited for their teacher.
The door immediately opening and revealing the teacher, "sorry I'm late class, I had to get the criteria I needed, ok so hello everyone! Welcome to Writing and Literature! I'm Mr. Kim Namjoon !" He said excitedly. The class greeted him all in sync.
"In this class we will be diving into the wonderful world of creative writing and the fundamentals of -"
Felix's mind soon started to wander off while the teacher spoke as he thought of the events that took place earlier, he can't believe his crush is sitting next to him in math. He can't believe he said hi to him and then he said hello back ? Even though it was terribly awkward, he at least said hi back.
To the regular person this wouldn't be anything but a casual introduction but to Felix this was so much more then that.

He remembers when he first saw Hyunjin back in 9th grade...

Flashback First Day of 9th grade

"Felix what class do you have next ?"

"I have PE with Mr. Jang" the boy exclaimed as he headed towards the locker rooms, he went to first locker he saw and began to dress in his gym clothes.
The PE coach wasted no time in making them participate in a lap around the field, Felix was running by himself per usual. There was 2 others pe classes along with his on the Field and that's when he saw him, there was a man with short black hair playing soccer with some other kids, Felix began to slow down as he watched the man run back and forth. He was stunning and he was athletic, Felix felt his breath getting caught in his throat as he saw the man's hair dripping sweat and the gym clothes tightening around his body. "wow" he said to himself.

"Mr. Lee let's keep up the pace" he heard his teacher yell and with that he stopped staring and continued to run.

Flashback ended

Felix was so deep in thought that he didn't even realize the kids around him were standing up and moving towards the door.
"Mr.Lee let's go .. we're headed to the library" Mr. Kim exclaimed as he motioned everyone to the door, Felix followed the crowd as they all went to the school library, he has no clue why they were going as he was not listening to a word the teacher was saying
The class finally entered into the library where they were instructed to have a seat at the tables.

"Ok everyone so for your first assignment, we are going to get into the writings of love over the years, Shakespeare to Edgar Allen Poe and so on and so forth, I want you to study what these writers have described love to be. How do you feel about love ? Is love an element ? Or is it Fate ?.
You will be able to pick any book you want and I will explain more of the assignment when you are done."

The students were dismissed and told to go find the book of their choice, Felix was pretty excited for this assignment. Contrary to never experiencing love for himself, he was a huge romantic. Stories like Romeo and Juliet and the notebook made his heart explode, The feeling of Love must be so beautiful. Well that's if what the books say love is like.

Felix made his way to a certain section of the library that was kind of far from the other aisles, he was on the hunt for one book in particular "Wuthering Heights" he only read the book once back in 9th grade but if he remembers correctly it was such a lovely story and he wanted to do his assignment on it. He was looking through the shelves, scanning through the books when he pulled a book back and noticed a face all too familiar on the other side.

He matched the eyes to the face and almost had a heart attack, he immediately kneeled down hoping that the man on the other side didn't see him.
"What are you .. doing ?" He heard a voice say and when he looked up he saw the man he's been thinking about all dam day. He's interacted with him more today then he's had in the 4 years of going to school with him, "Um.. nothing I was just looking for a book" Felix got up and dusted himself off.
Hyunjin looked him up and down and chuckled "you're strange you know that ?" He exclaimed, making the brunette stand there embarrassed.
"Great my crush thinks I'm strange, good going Lix" he mentally scolded himself. Hyunjin began looking at the books in the section.
"You like romance ?" The man asked to which Felix nodded eagerly. Hyunjin smiled, "that's sweet"
Felix looked at the man and a few seconds have passed, neither of them saying a word.
"Well I have to .. go .. so I'll see you" Felix said as he tried his hardest to get out of there and away from the boy. He brushed passed him and figured he'd come to the library later and find the book.

He hadn't realized the whole time he was in the man's presence he was holding his breath.
This was the most words they've exchanged between each other.

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