You did WHAT ?

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Felix has been sitting in class for about 20 minutes, he shouldn't have drank all that water earlier because now he badly needs to use the restroom.
He raised his hand and got permission to go, so he dashed out of the class and ran to the bathroom.

He entered the restroom and relieved himself, he flushed the toilet, he began to walk out when he heard a group of boys come in along with a familiar voice, he ran back into the stall and locked the door. Climbing on top of the toilet so they didn't see him. He has no issue with Hyunjin but he does not want to be alone with him or his friends. Yeah Hyunjin might be casual in class because he kind of has to but outside class and in front of his friends is a different story.

"Hey Hyunjin, you going to that party on Saturday ?" Minho asked, "Yeah my girlfriend wants to go.. it's her friends party" he said as he pulled out a cigarette. Felix was watching them through the space in the door as they lit up a cigarette.
"I'm not going to lie bro, I never thought I'd see the day you would be "DATING" Changbin laughed.
Hyunjin rolled his eyes as he lit the cigarette up, "well you know my parents are on my ass about settling down and "finding the one" he said as inhaled.

"That brings me to another question, do you guys know Chan has been messing around with some senior" Minho exclaimed.

The other 2 looked at him immediately "ok ? What's the problem with that ?" Changbin asked.
Minho who had the cigarette now took an inhale and began to explain "well .. I heard the kid was a virgin when they met and now Chan is messing with him on the low" Minho added, to which the other two gasped. "A virgin ? Oh no Chan messed up big time !" Felix who had no business eavesdropping wondered why it was wrong for Chan to mess with a virgin ? Like isn't everyone a virgin at some point ?

"That's why I can't do virgins, next thing you know they want to marry you and have kids" Changbin exclaimed to which Hyunjin agreed, as he exhaled the smoke. "Yeah me too, I can't deal with that"
Minho chuckled, "is that why you have a no virgin policy ?" Hyunjin began to laugh "well yeah, everyone knows what happens when you take someone's V card"
Changbin intervened immediately after "Yeah like in your head it's just a quick session but to them it's the start of a beautiful relationship" he explained.

The three boys began to talk about other things, while Felix stayed in the stall. Now he really couldn't come out of the bathroom, because they would know he's been listening to their whole conversation. He's for sure going to get in trouble for basically ditching.

"We got 2 minutes before the bell rings, let's go" Minho suggested, "alright let me go to the bathroom real quick" Changbin said as he approached the stall, Felix felt the man coming up to the one he was in.
He closed his eyes and stopped breathing as he heard the man jiggle the door.
"It must be out of order, just use the other one" Minho exclaimed.
Changbin went to the restroom, washed his hands and began to try them.
The bell rang as the boys began to walk out.

"So who's the virgin Chan is messing with?" Asked Changbin. Minho thought for a second .. "oh I think his name is ... jeoni.. inn.. oh Jeongin but he calls him Innie" Minho replied, which Felix had to cover his mouth to contain the loud "WHAT" he wanted to release. The men walked out of the bathroom and Felix waited a couple minutes before getting down and walking out. Other students came into use the restroom and Felix was there stunned by the news he just heard. He had to see Innie.

Felix ran through the lunch room not even worried about anything else but this news, he saw his friends standing by their locker and quickly made his way to them "oh hi li-"
"Innie I need to talk to you now !" Felix said as he grabbed the boy and dragged him in back of the school building, "lix what's wrong ?" Innie asked as the boy looked like he ran a mile.

Seungmin and Han immediately followed, "Can you guys give us one second ?" Felix asked, "No lix, it's alright we're all friends" Innie said.
Felix took a deep breath before proceeding "why didn't you tell me you lost your virginity to Chan ?" Felix asked with no hesitation, leaving the other two boys shocked as they didn't know this information either. Innie began to get nervous "w-who told you t-this ?" he asked.
Felix knew it was going to sound crazy but he had to tell him "ok I was in the bathroom going pee and then Hyunjin and his friends came in and then I had to hide on top of the toilet because I didn't want them to know I was there and they started smoking and talking about virgins and then they said Chan was messing with a virgin and they all gasped because apparently messing with a virgin is wrong ? And then they said that Chan took the virginity of another kid and before they left the bathroom they said "who is it?" And that's when they said your name" Felix said fast in one big breath.

The three looked at him like he was crazy "why were you hiding on top of the toilet ?" Asked Seungmin.

Felix just huffed "that's not the point ! But soon as I heard I ran over here to find you and tell you" he exclaimed to Innie.

Innie was in shock by all this information, he took a breath and placed his hand on Felix's hand, "ok it's true .. I have been messing with Chan before summer began" the 3 others gasped "Innie .. when you said you lost your virginity.. I didn't know it was to him ?" Han added.
Innie groaned "look I didn't want to tell you guys because I know how protective you guys are and Seungmin .. I know you would have told me to be smart and not mess with him and Hannie .. I know you would have tried to make it bigger then it was and try to marry us and Felix .. I just didn't have the guts to tell you." He exclaimed.

All the boys were a little taken back .. Felix didn't feel offended but he really wish Innie told him.
"Why would you be scared to tell me ?" He asked to which Innie replied, "lix I always told you .. that I wouldn't do it till marriage and I guess I was embarrassed because I didn't stick to it" he sighed.
Felix wasn't mad so he just hugged the younger.
"I could never be mad at you .. I'm just sad you felt you couldn't tell me"

Innie hugged him back "and I'm sorry but now that you guys know .. I'm glad. It was weighing me down.

Han couldn't help but ask "so was it big ?"

The three others groaned "Hannie"

"What ! I just wanted to know"

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