part 12

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"WAIT TOM GO TO HER WINDOW" georg shouted and i nodded heading over to her window, i climbed up onto the roof she had infront of it and knocked on the window.

doms pov

Someone knocked on my window, i went over and saw tom there, i shrugged my shoulders and held up 1 finger indicating i'd be 1 minute.

I got a piece of paper and wrote on it, *i can't open the window irs locked please help me*
he nodded, and started doing something to the window, he mouthed push it and i did.

It opened a tiny bit "how tf did u do that" i whispered, "it's a little trick i learned, i'm gonna go get ur phone and we will figure this out" he replied "okay".

"and tom" i said "yea" he replied "i love you" i smiled, "i love you to i'll be back in 2 minutes" he smiled running to his house, i waited a couple minutes for him to come back.

He came back and slid my phone under the space of the window, "thank u" i said "of course we are gonna get u out of there" he smiled, "go back to the other i'll call yous" i said and he nodded heading back to his house.

I heard a knock on my door i quickly shut the window and hid my phone, "ITS LOCKED WHY TF R U KNOCKING JUST FUCK OF" i shouted before i heard it getting unlocked.

Stacey came in, "sweetie" she said "what" i said lying on my bed, "i brought u some food, im sorry for ur dad i tried to talk him out of it but he won't listen" she said handing me the food.

"thanks ig" i said and my phone started ringing, "oh um idk what that it" i said "i know it's ur ohone, and dw i won't tell ur dad about it, just make sure it's on silent" she smiled "okay thank u" i smiled back.

"im gonna go before he realised i was in here,bye try get some sleep" she said leavinf and locking the door behind her, i picked up my phone and joined the call.

dom: hey
bill: OMG R U OKAY
dom: no he's a fucking asswhole i wish he never came back *i started crying*
tom: we are gonna get u out of there dont worry
alexa: stay strong okay
dom: u know what fuck it im getting out of here tonight
tom: what do u mean
georg: dom what r u doing

I say my phone down on my bed, while all them kept asking me what i was doing, i picked up my chair and threw it against the window.


I grabbed my phone and climbed out of the crack in my window, cutting my leg open in the process i ran over to the twins house and started banging on there door.


They all opened the door and let me in, "what the fuck did u just do?" tom shouted, " i-i umm broke the win-" i said before i started falling around "DOM UR BLEEDING" was all i heard before everything went black

I woke up in a hospital room, i saw the band and alexa all sitting around me, "sup bitches" i said, and they all laughed, "are u okay?" tom asked moving his chair to the bed.

"yep" i said, "what happened?" i asked "well u cut open ur leg and u passed out" bill said "oh okay, has my dad came here?" i asked, "no but the doctor said he has to call him sorry" tom said.

"ugh, i hope he doesn't come" i groaned, the doctor came in the room, "hey sorry but you all have to leave, her father is here and he requested for it" the doctor said.

"no please don't make them leave" i said "i'm sorry but since ur a minor, ur father has full control over u here" he said, "ugh" i said and everyone left.

My dad came in the room, "get out" i shouted "no what were u thinking breaking the window u are going to pay for it" he shouted back, "MAYBE IF U DIDNT LOCK ME IF MY ROOM" i shouted getting really mad.

"THATS IT UR GETTING DISCHARGED FROM THIS HOSPITAL AND COMINF BACK HOME" he shouted leavinf the room, the doctor entered again.

"please don't let him bring me home im begging you" i said "is he abusing you?" he asked, "no, but my mum died a few months ago and he came to stay with us with his wife and step kids, but they have been nothing but disrespectful to me since they got here, one of them liked my boyfriend but she didn't know we were dating yet so i got him to pretend he liked her and then catch us kissing to get back at her, but then she went and told my dad thinfs about me and he locked me in my room, so i broke the window and climbed out and that's how i cut my leg open" i explained reallt fast.

"listen i'm sorry but even if i call social services, they won't do anything, they will just look at it like a punishment for getting back at ur step sister, you are gonna have to go home with him" he explained "no please i'm begging u" i said starting to tear up.

"i'm sorry but there's nothing i can do" he said getting up to leave, i screamed and started hitting everything around me, that's when a few doctors came in to stop me.

They calmed me down a bit and i was sat on the bed, "where's my phone" i asked and one of them handed it to me, i called tom. they all left and tom picked up.

You: they wont do anything i have to go back with my dad i fucking hate him
tom: i know i know, but don't worry we will figure something out
You:. please come see me, i can't stand staying here alone for even 1 more minute i can't get discharged till the morning
tom: i'll figure something out and come see u
you: okay thank you
tom: i love you
you: i love you to

I hung up and waited for tom to come.

Toms pov
I rushed out of the house and got a taxi to the hospital, as soon as i got here, i ran up to the front desk, "dom haughey, room 105 can i go see her please" i asked.
(idk if i said a second name for dom yet but this is it now)

"What's ur relationship to the patient" the girl asked, "brother" i lied, "and ur name?" she asked "Josh haughey" i said "okay you can go see her" she said and i ran up to her room.

Doms pov

Tom came running into the door and hugged me straight away, "how did u get here i thought u weren't allowed" i asked pulling out of the hug, "i said i was ur brother" he laughed and i did to.

We cuddled for a bit till the doctor from earlier came in, "woah ur not allowed to be here" he said "please just let him, i can't be here alone i'll do anything" i begged "okay but how did u even get in here?" he asked.

"i said i was her brother" tom replied, "okay but u better be gone in the morning so i don't get in trouble" he said before leaving the room and closing the door.

"u should get some sleep" tom said putting my into his chest kissing my forehead, "okay" i said in a really sleepy voice, "goodnight ml" he whispered "goodnight tom" i said before i slowly drifted of to sleep.

1335 words

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