part 4

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I woke up, in my own bed? wtf happened i looked at my wrists and nothing was there, was i fucking dreaming.

I walked downstairs to see bill and tom, "wtf happened last night" i asked, "wait u don't remember?" bill asked.

"no i don't remember anything i just had a really bad dream and i'm hoping it wasn't true" i said "what was it about" bill asked.

"oh well me n tom got in an argument and he said some really bad shit to me, i ran away into an alley and slit my wrists idfk" i said sitting down, bill hugged me.

"what's this for?" i asked "u and tom did get in an argument" bill said, "but u didn't run away u passed out" tom said.

"so u did say all that shit to me, infront of everyone" i asked tom, he just looked down, "please tell me u didn't" i said and he didn't say anything.

"TOM ANSWER ME" i shouted, "i did..." tom muttered, i just looked at him hurt, how could he do that, i ran up to my room.

"DOM WAIT" bill shouted running up to me, i sat infront of my door so no one could get in, "dom open up, please" bill said.

I opened the door, and he hugged me "how could he" i said statted to tear up "listen dom, i'm so fucking sorry about tom, he's felt terrible about it" bill said.

"no he doesn't, if he did he wouldn't have done it" i said, tom came through the door, "i was drunk okay im sorry" tom said.

"DRUNK WORDS ARE SOBER THOUGHTS u meant it, u just couldn't say it sober" i said sitting down putting my head in my knees.

"dom im so fucking sorry, idfk what to say, i've been crying all night because i feel so bad" tom said and i just ignored him.

"tom just go" bill said, and tom left my room, then my house, josh came in, "dom, why, why did u do it" he asked, "listen i don't wanna talk about it everyone just leave me alone" i shouted leaving my room.

I stormed out of the house, i could hear bill and josh shoutinf my name but i didn't look back once, i just couldn't understand why.

I ended up at a shop, i bought cigarettes, i opened them and started smoking one, someone sat beside me, it was tom.

"wtf do u want" i said not looking at him, "i know u hate me right now, but i hate myself for how i hurt you, u need help and i'm gonna help you" he said grabbing my chin making me look at him.

"i don't want ur help" i said "well ur getting it" he said "just go away tom" "no ur coming with me" he said picking me up.

He put me in his car and he started driving somewhere "let me out" i shouted at him, he ignored me, we made it to the middle of nowhere.

He got our and got something from the boot, it was a trash bag, but it sounded like it was filled with glass.

"come on" he said i followed him because i was curious "what" i said once we stopped, he took out a whole bunch of things, old stuff, bottles, basically things u would find in a rage room.

"here" he said giving me a bat and goggles, "wtf is this" i said taking them, "ur gonna break everything to get ur rage out, then ur gonna talk to me" hs said.

"i'll break everything but there's no way i'm talking to you" i said putting the goggles on, "yes u are" he said, "fine" i said.

I wasn't going to talk to him, but i needed to let all my anger and sadness out, i started smashing and hitting everything with all my strength, tom stepped back tryinf not to get hit.

I started to cry while still smashing everything, i eventually ended up breaking it all, but i wasn't done so i started hitting trees and everything around me.

Tom just let me because he knew i needed this, i threw the bat down and broke down, he came and hugged me.

"get off" i said pushing him off, he hugged me again and i tried getting him off but he wouldn't budge.

I cried into his chest, "why" i said "i was mad, that's not a good reason but i don't know what else to say, i'm so fucking sorry" he said.

"i'll get out of ur life, i know u hate me" he said, i looked at him, "i hate you so fucking much, u don't understand how much you have hurt me" i said and started hitting his chest.

"get it all out" he said letting me, i stopped because i realised how much pain he was in, i just almost beat him to death, idk how i'm capable of that.

"i'm so fucking sorry" tom said, "it's gonna take me time" i said and he nodded "i understand take as much time as you need" he said "thank you".

"i want to tell someone how i'm feeling but i don't know how" i said looking down, "u can tell me anything" tom said, "okay here it goes"

"i really fucking loved my dad, and i hoped someday he would call, or maybe even come to see us, but after that one call i hate him, i can never forgive him, i never want to see him again" i told tom.

"i know u don't want me to say i know how u feel, because i don't, but i will try and make u feel better in anyway way i can" tom said smiling "tysm" i said.

"we should probably go" tom said and i nodded, we headed back to the car, we sat in silence the whole time, i didn't know what to say.

We arrived at my house, "u want me to come in?" he asked, "no i'll be fine, thank you for today" i said getting out "no problem, see ya" he said and i waved bye.

"dom finally ur home" my mum said, "oh hi mum" i said, "i need ur opinion on an outfit" she said "what's ur for" i asked "a date..." she replied.

"omg mum, i'm so happy for you, show me the fit" i said and she put it on, "omg it's amazing" i said "really?" she asked "yes its so nice" i said.

"when's ur date?" i asked, "half an hour" she replied, "i'm gonna finish getting ready" my mum said "okay" i said and walked to my room.

josh came in, "dom, u don't need to tell me anything, but i just wanted to ask if ur okay" he said, "no i'm not, but i had a nice day today thank you" i replied.

"okay, glad to hear" he said and left, i got a bath to relax.

"okay, glad to hear" he said and left, i got a bath to relax

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it looked something like this

I got a text from bill.

hey, where were u today?
i was with tom, he took me somewhere to take out my rage it was nice
that's great, i was wondering if u wanted to have a sleepover wyd
i'm having a self care night, but u can come over
no it's okay then, have a great night
thanks, i'll see u tomorrow
np, byeee

I stayed in the bath for an hour and then got out, i did face masks, skincare and my hair, i felt really good but also bad inside.

I got into bed and put on a movie when i got a text, it was from tom, i didn't know if i wanted to look but i did.

i wanted to say i'm really sorry again, and if u maybe wanted to ft
thank you again, and sure i can ft
i'll call u now

Tom called me and we talked for so long, we ended up falling asleep on call, but i feel like i'm forgiving him already, it's to fast i think.

1375 words

next door neighbours - tom kaulitzWhere stories live. Discover now