Another one-shot??where quotes?

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I look over to UN with a questioning look before the sound of laughing erupts from the backseat.

"RE just asked me if I could wake you up that way because it was boring which I can fully understand but I don't get why its funny."At this point RE had calmed down laughing after seeing my pissed state at being told why I was woken up.

We did eventually get out to be met with a large-ish house with a front porch,seems like the perfect house for a country like me and Britain.'posh' and 'fancy'.

I look over to RE who stares in bewilderment at the house and slightly laugh at the way he's acting.I really don't know how long it's been since I've seen my son,I also do wonder why UN said RE could come aswell.Not in that kind of way I don't want him here,just confused and kinda curious at the same time.

UN's pov:

As soon as I get out of the car I look over to the two empires and just walk over to the front porch.I am already pretty tired after that drive but some of the empires really do need to get out more,I swear Mongol hasn't stepped a foot out that building since she went there,and that was 7 centuries ago.

I do know I didn't exist for that long but I'm still questioning how humans could manage it for so long,it's crazy really.(oooo a bit of lore I see?)

I knock on the front door a couple of times before turning around and signalling BE and RE to move to side for a bit so Britain and mabie soviet doesn't see them straight away.

The door opens a slight crack to reveal a very tired looking Britain.

"UN?I didn't expect you to be visiting today."Britain opens the door a little wider allowing me to get a better view of the hall and Britain.

"Yes,I know its a bit unexpected,but I thought I could pay a visit to see how your doing and an other thing."

"Oh,alright?Well,I'm doing fine,just had a bit of a cold for a bit."Britain finishes,sniffing as soon as he finishes speaking.

"That's good,and this might be a bit up there but is soviet with you right now?"

"Yeah actually,he came just about an hour ago."That's great,so there's a chance that if Soviet sees RE 'alive' he might try and kill him,again,great.

"If you don't mind me asking,why?"

"Well,it's a bit tricky to explain but,"I look over slightly to see BE and RE,motioning BE to come over first."I just wanted to have a country to have another chance to see you again."

"What-?"Britain started to question but instantly stopped when he saw BE come around from the corner.I literally blink once,and Britain's gone,I look over to BE to see Britain hugging him,slightly wrapping his wings around him.I swear I could see a slight tear go out of his eye.

BE also looked like he was in shock for a second before also hugging Britain,aswell wrapping his,might I add,much larger wings around them both.

Yet as I look back to the doorway I find Soviet in it looking back at me then BE over and over again like,'tf is going on'.

I swear the one thing I don't get,how the hell does RE have wings and Soviet doesn't?

"I'm just gonna say this is a family reunion so don't you dare disrupt it."I look Soviet dead in the eyes as I say that since I have never,never,seen BE like this so this is a chance.(Soviet and UN are kinda similar in heights if ur confused)

Britain and BE do eventually let go of each other even though I can tell they don't want to.

"Anyway,"I say which catches the countries attentions,and because I could tell Britain noticed RE."there is another country that I had brought but you can't do anything soviet."


"Because you just can't or you'll probably get your arse kicked.And not by me."Soviet just looked at me with confusion before I turned to BE and he got the message.

Then RE decided to go behind BE first which just confused Soviet more.But,the atmosphere changed completely when BE moved him forward.I saw Soviets mood change completely after seeing RE,a mood that I surprisingly couldn't read.

"I'm sorry."What took me by surprise was soviet crossing his arms and saying that,it clearly surprised everyone else too.

"It's,fine.I understood why you needed to,I probably would have been overthrown anyway."RE chuckled a bit,earning a slight chuckle from soviet too.Britain seemed to shiver a bit before going back to the door way before being hugged by soviet.

Next thing I know I turn to BE and he looks like an overprotective parent again,just fantastic.


Wow,that was quite a long one-shot,probably the longest I've ever written in any of my books.Thats crazy.Anyways again sorry I've not been updating much and hope you enjoyed this one-shot.
Have a good night/day and see you soon!

Word count:1445(0 -0(holy shit))

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