I'm sorry Ch 7

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James POV

We were in the meeting with our parents when I saw Severus Snape come in. He looked different with new robes. As he walked in I couldn't help but notice he's on taller his hair less greasy. I saw a ring on his finger I couldn't quite see it but I saw a flash of green.

I couldn't help but blush at this he looked...handsome. 'Wait! Did I just think that?' No this can't happen I'm not gay. I've been going after Lily for a long time. I even ruined their friendship so I can get to her. I shook my head and turned to headmaster trying to focus on the meeting.

That's a meeting went on he showed our parents different papers from the hospital wing. We were shocked to see a big pile there. I took a small glance and saw medical records of broken bones bruises scratches I couldn't help but wince at that.

'Did we really do that?' To our horror our parents went over the files. The  look of disappointment, disgust, anger and fear on their faces had us look down and shame.

I don't blame them. I didn't think everything will go this way I didn't know. He's suffered through all of this.

To my surprise the headmaster tried to lie and said we did nothing and tried to get Severus to apologize. I understand he favored Gryffindor but for it to come to this.

Trying to force someone to apologize and keep all the secrets in. And all for his own reputation. I, myself has become disgusted by the headmasters behavior.

Severus started yelling about all the years he's gone through and how and what we did to him. Stealing his friend, all the pranks and Padfoot trying to kill him using Moony. I look to my side to see both of them put their head down and shame.

I know why Padfoot did it but not Moony. he had no clue what was going on that day and it wasn't his fault. I, myself was angry at Padfoot for what he tried to do. I get pranks but trying to murder someone is not right.

I could see Severus lifting his hand up and showing the ring on his hand. I know that ring, those rings. One of them was for the heir of Slytherin house. I saw it in the book when I was searching the history in Hogwarts. And the other one was for the Prince family.

If he has these rings that means he's the Lord to the prince family and a Slytherin house. This just made it worse. If this is true then that means we could get kicked out of school. I could lose everything. My family could lose everything.

"I am Severus Snape nee Prince and it's time that everyone in the wizarding world new what was going on in this school." Severus said before picking up the papers and walking out the office.

The Marauders turn to each other with shocked expressions on their face. We were about to say something when our parents started talking again.

"James, is what he said true?" I heard my father ask in a slight angry tone.

I slowly turn to him with a scared and ashamed look on my face. "Yes, it's true. Ever since we came to Hogwarts we've been pranking everyone. Especially him." I said ashamed.

"Why would you do that? What has he done to deserve this?!" My mother said exclaimed

"Nothing." I said looking down. "I was just jealous and angry because he was best friends with the girl I liked and he was a Slytherin."

"I'm very disappointed in you. I thought I raised you better. You shouldn't judge someone by their house and so you know, your grandfather was a Slytherin. Are you going to insult him too!" My father yelled.

"I can't believe you would do this remus." Ms Lupin said in a disappointed voice.

"And I can't believe you would do something like this. I get there your friends and that you may not like people of other houses but that doesn't mean you can bully and prank them." Mr Lupin said, basically scolding Moony.

"And you Sirius! I can't believe that you would use your friend, my son to try and kill someone. In fact I can't believe that you were trying to kill someone at all!" Mrs Lupin exclaimed angrily.

"Well I can actually say that I'm not surprised. What do you expect from a Black." Mrs Pettigrew spat, almost looking at Padfoot in disgust.

At that Padfoot flinched and we were all in tears. My parents have never been angry at us. And they never insulted Padfoot for who his family was.

"Now you don't have to go that far, they were just harmless pranks." The Headmaster said trying to calm everyone and get their attention.

"Don't say they were harmless pranks! We saw the papers that boy was in pain and you're going to say it was harmless pranks! You even called him a liar!" My mother yelled, glaring at the Headmaster.

"If you are ignoring kids like that, what kind of headmaster are you?!" Mrs lupin exclaimed

"I think you boys should take some time away from each other and think about what you did. Go back to your dorms and pack while we talk to the Headmaster." My father said trying to hold back his anger.

Me and the Marauders got up from our seats and walked out the office tears in our eyes. I can't believe this just happened.

We really caused all that pain and we didn't even know it. If there really are others like Severus out there, they must hate us. And what's also worse is that the Marauders might be separated because of this.

I lift my head up wiping off the tears on my face. From now on I'm going to be determined to make things right. I'm going to apologize to Severus and stop the pranks.

And to think all of this was because of jealousy and because of a girl that I might not even like anymore. I turn to see my friends still having tears in their eyes looking down. I could tell Padfoot felt worse because of what Miss pettigrew said.

I don't blame him. He grew up in a unstable household and ran away so he wouldn't be like them. Maybe we are kind of like them we did cause pain and suffering too almost everyone in the school.

I'm going to fix this if it's the
last thing I do. Severus
I'm sorry

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