The truth Ch 6

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Severus pov

Two days has passed and today is the day of the meeting. I gathered all the papers and I was about to walk out when I paused I slowly look to my trunk, thinking if I should put the rings on.

'They probably won't believe the word of some poor Slytherin. Put them on' I thought to myself.

I walk over to my trunk opening it. I grabbed the ring box out slowly opening it looking at the two beautiful rings inside. I slowly put them on and feel as a magic surrounds me and watch as my clothes changed into new robes.

 I slowly put them on and feel as a magic surrounds me and watch as my clothes changed into new robes

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(This but green and silver)

I walk out of my dorm with papers in hand. I walk slowly and confidently towards the Headmaster's office. I could see and feel people's eyes on me. They looked at me in shock and some girls whispering, pointing and blushing while others just stared.

When I reach the Headmaster's office, I said the password they gave me beforehand and walked up the stairs. There I see The Potter's, Lupin's and the Pettigrew's there standing.

They turn around and looked at me in shock. I walked over to the chairs in front of the Headmaster's desk where I see the Marauders sitting. I slowly sat down in one of the empty chairs. In the corner of my eye I can see Potter . . . blushing?

I shook my head getting rid of that thought. I looked at the Headmaster in the eye getting ready for what was coming.

"Now Mr Snape do you understand why you're here?" The Headmaster said looking at me, already knowing the answer.

"Yes." I said with barely any emotion as I looked at him.

"Then please apologize to these young men so we could-" before the Headmaster could say anything else the Potter's spoke up

"Now wait just a minute! I will not accept just an apology! This boy attacked my son and his friends!" Mr Potter, I think his name is Fleamont, exclaimed looking angry

"Yeah did you see my son and his friends?! Their all bruised because of that boy! An apology will not do! I want him expelled!" Mrs Potter, Euphemia, exclaimed equally as angry as her husband.

I can see the rest of the parents of agreeing, nodding their head and I knew this was my time to speak up.

"It's funny how this is the one time that I finally stood up for myself and I'm the one to blame when you did nothing when your son's were attacking me and other kids!" I exclaimed angrily looking at the parents and the Headmaster.

They look taken aback by what I said until Mr lupin and spoke up.

"What are you talking about! Our boys have never hurt anyone!" Mr Lupin, Lyall, said angry and confused.

At this point in the corner of my eye I can see the Marauders squirming in their chair, looking guilty. Good, their parents are about to find out how they really are.

"Really?! Never hurt anyone! Well I got the proof right here, go ahead and see for yourselves!" I said, slamming down the papers on the desk.

The parents went all around the desk looking at each paper until Mrs Pettigrew looked up slowly. And with the scared and sad expression she asked.

"What is this?" Mrs Pettigrew, Edwina, asked almost afraid to know the answer.

"These are all the my medical records since I came to Hogwarts that were caused by your 'precious little boys'" I said confidently. "And no doubt there are some kids here with some of the same injuries they caused me with their little 'pranks'." I continued.

Mrs Potter looked at the papers and then look to the boys and asked in a shaky tone

"Did you boys really do this?" Mrs Potter said in a sad and disappointed tone

"No, we didn't hunt anymore. All our pranks were safe, we made sure of it." Sirius lied with a scared look on his face.

"I'll be happy to share my memories with you if this will get all straightened out." I said looking straight at the parents

"Now there's no need to do that. Mr Snape please stop lying just apologize and this will be over with." The Headmaster said trying to get the situation under his control again.

"I'm lying?! You're the one that turned your back on their bullying and their pranks all because I'm a Slytherin and they're from your house!" I yelled at the Headmaster angry.

"All these years you turn your back on the abused, the bullied and all of the slytherins because they were either poor or because they weren't from your house." I continued yelling at him

The parents and the Marauders were shocked of what I was saying and that I was yelling at the Headmaster.

"I tried to be calm. I always thought that 'maybe he didn't see it' or 'maybe the Marauders would change especially after they stole my best friend, the only one that showed me kindness' but no they just kept getting worse, especially when Black tried to kill me using Lupin." I said pointed at the two.

Since the parents knew of Lupin's secret. They all looked at me shocked then looked at the boys who looks scared and ashamed.

"And instead of putting them in order you swore me to secrecy to make sure that your precious Gryffindor didn't get kicked out of school because of what he was!" I continue yelling at the Headmaster

At that the parents looked at the Headmaster shocked and in disgust that he would do that to a child.

"Since you were unwilling to keep your school in order, to keep the peace, I decided to take matters into my own hands." I said lifting up my hand so all of them could see the rings on my fingers.

To say everyone in the room was shocked was an understatement. The 'poor Slytherin boy' held the rings of the Slytherin house and the ancient and Noble House of Prince.

"I am Severus Snape nee Prince and it's time that everyone in the wizarding world knew what was going on in this school." I stated staring directly at the Headmaster, whose color drained from his face when he saw the rings and heard my statement.

Before anyone could say anything I picked up the papers and walked out going to my dorm. I was going to expose the headmaster, who he really was to the rest of the world.

It's time everyone knew
The truth

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