Tom Trench could only stand there, petrified with fear as Charlie led Aaron out of the classroom and outside to the car. Once inside she adjusted her demeanor to a gentle one and proceeded to gently to get answers from the boy.

"So that's why you've be struggling in school. It's not because of your grades, it's because of him, isn't it?"

Aaron was quiet for about five minutes, almost scared to tell her the truth. But he eventually came to the conclusion that he couldn't hide it any longer. 

"It's a little harder for me to read than everyone else but he thinks I'm just being lazy. So he gives me a reason to want to do better. Or rather something to fear each time I mess up."

"Honey why didn't you ever tell us?"

"I didn't want Dad to know."


"Because he already has a lot of crap to deal with. He was work and he has Miss Killjoy on his tail all the time."

"Who's Miss Killjoy?"

"She's a stupid broad who wants to take us away. I don't know why but she does and it scares Dad. I didn't want to give him anymore problems. I've already done enough to screw up his life."

"What makes you say that?"

Mimzy to be exact. Poor Aaron had heard that fight between his parents the night Mimzy found out she was pregnant for the third time and since then he had always thought it was his fault that their mother left and that his birth had destroyed his father's dreams. That if he had never been born then his parents would still be married and Alastor would be rich and famous by now. 

"He would have been a radio star if I hadn't of come along." He spat, fighting back tears. 

"Did he tell you that?" Charlie asked. 

"No...But I know it's true. I wasn't planned and he was going on verge of stardom but he had to give it up to take care of me! The retard who can't read!"

He suddenly broke down crying, revealing to her the years of rejection and self-blame. Charlie slowly moved closer to Aaron and took him into his arms, holding him close and giving him that maternal love that he had been starving for.

"Aaron you are the most precious thing in your father's life. He loves you more than you'll ever know and he wouldn't have traded you for anything in this world. I can see it in his eyes whenever he looks at you. You, your brother, and your sisters are his whole life."

"Really?" He sobbed.

"Really. Now dry those tears and let's put on a smile for when we pick up Louis, Ella, and Carrie."

"Okay." He sniffed. "But you won't tell Dad about this right?"

"He'd want to know Aaron. Don't worry, it want cause him problems."

Once she picked up all the kids from school, she went home and got started on dinner. When Alastor came home, she waited until the kids went to bed before she talked to their father about Aaron and school and what happened. Unfortunately he had made plans to be somewhere this evening.

"Alastor please don't go bowling. Not tonight." Charlie pleaded.

"Why not?"

"Because we need to talk about the kids."

"Can we talk about it tomorrow?" He said glancing at the clock nervously.

"Now Alastor." She said sternly.

"Charlie I don't have time to talk about this. It can wait."

"Aaron's teacher has been abusing him."

Alastor went as still as a statue, taking a moment to try to comprehend what she said and when he did, he looked at her as if she had grabbed a gun and taken a shot at him.

Something SpecialOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora