Chapter 2 - Foyer

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July 3rd, 2023
Greyville, New York
6:50 PM

The five friends enter the foyer of the abandoned house and the musty smell fills their noses, making everyone cringe.

Mel walks in last, and closes the weathered door behind her.

Mel, disgusted: "Why does it smell so wet in here? UGH!!!"
Cory: "The furniture looks like it's from the forties, so this place could have been abandoned for like, eighty years."
Lia: "Ew. Imagine how much happened here for it to be left empty for eighty years."

The group investigates the foyer.
- Sebastian looks at the bookshelf.
- Lia looks at a (now empty) flower pot.
- Mel stands with her arms folded.
- Chloe checks out the coat rack.
- Cory tests the integrity of the stairs.

Mel: "I'm just gonna stand here while you guys snoop."
Sebastian: "Be my guest. This is interesting."

Sebastian sees a notebook. It's locked.

Sebastian: "Damn."
Chloe: "What?"
Sebastian: "I found a journal or something but there's a lock on it."
Chloe: "Wonder what's in there."
Sebastian: "Maybe there's a key somewhere."

Sebastian and the others take a few minutes looking around the foyer to see if they can find a key. No key.

Mel still hasn't moved from the front door.

Mel: "I don't think there's a key."
Lia: "There might be, though."
Mel: "You're probably not gonna find it in the dark."
Chloe: "Oh come on, it's not that dark in here."
Mel: "It will be dark when the sun goes down."

Sebastian, Lia, Chloe, and Cory give up finding the key and join Mel back at the front door.

Chloe: "I think we've seen enough for today."
Mel: "I've seen enough to not come back. I just wanna get out of here."
Lia: "Mel's anxiety aside, this place seems cool. If you guys want to, I'm free to come back on the 5th."
Cory: "Why not tomorrow?"
Lia: "Well, the 4th of July's tomorrow, I figured you'd be with your families."
Cory: "Oh yeah."

Sebastian goes to open the door, but it's stuck.

He pulls and pulls, no give.

Sebastian: "The door's stuck."
Cory: "Let me try."

Cory gives it a go, nothing.

Cory: "It really is stuck."
Mel, terrified: "Oh my god, no."
Chloe: "Okay, let me check the door."

Chloe walks up to the door to try it herself.
Before she can grab the doorknob, she notices a note scratched on the door.
Sebastian comes up behind Chloe trying to help her, and tries to read the note himself.

Sebastian: "What does it say?"
Chloe, reading the note: "Go to the kitchen. First door past the stairs."

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