Chapter 6

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Demi woke up to the sound of her alarm, getting out of bed. She checked on Natasha to make sure she was still asleep, before making her way to the bathroom. Demi looked at herself in the mirror, with a huge sigh. Did she just ruin her chances with Natasha? Did she just ruin their friendship? Demi didn't want Natasha to quit because of a kiss. Demi had walked out of the bathroom after she finished what she needed to do. Natasha had woken up and watched Demi walk out of the bathroom.

"Demi, can we talk?" Natasha asked in a soft tone.

"Yeah." Demi answered thoughts racing through her head.

"I have never actually dated or even kissed a woman before. My last relationship was two years ago and when I started to notice I was attracted to women he broke it off with me." Demi nodded at her. "I don't know how I feel about it because of it."

"I understand, I got out of a relationship not too long ago, you're the first girl I've kissed." Demi admitted to Natasha. "I'm sorry if that's not what you wanted, we can keep it professional or friendly from now on."

"Demi, I want this. I just don't want to move so fast. This is all so new to me, the traveling, the people, the feelings. I'm a bit scared to be honest." Demi walked over to Natasha and sat down next to her, wrapping her arm around Natasha.

"We move at your pace, I am in no rush. We don't have to make this official until you're ready." Demi reassured her, just holding Natasha in her arms. Natasha nodded and just relaxed into Demi's embrace.

"Are you hungry?" Natasha asked Demi.

"A bit, are you?"

"Yeah, let's go get breakfast." Demi and Natasha head down to the lobby and to the dining area. Demi keeping Natasha close to her since it's busy.

"We can eat in the room if you'd rather." Demi whispered to Natasha. Natasha looked around and saw Damian and Dominik at another table.

"We could sit with Dominik and Damian." Natasha replied pointing over to their table. Demi nodded as she started to grab food waiting for Natasha, before they headed over to the table.

"These seats taken?" Demi playfully asked the two.

"Of course not, silly." Dominik responded, as Natasha and Demi sat down. "How was your first night?" He asked looking at Natasha and Demi.

"It was good, Nat did my hair." Demi answered with a small smile.

"It was good!" Natasha also responded. "Oh, Damian and Dom, I have a question for you two."

"Okay!" They both answered at the same time before starting the Jinx game, causing Demi and Nat to laugh.

"I figured since both of you are apart of uh, hold on I did some research last night." Natasha looked at her phone in her notes. "Judgement Day, with Rhea, would it be okay if I had your numbers too?" Demi looked at Nat with a smile.

"Oh yeah of course!" They both responded at the same time, once again starting the Jinx game.

"I'll give you their numbers later, Nat." Demi said with a chuckle, as she started to eat. Natasha nodded before she started to eat, listening to Dom and Damian talk about Monday Night Raw. Demi joining in the conversation occasionally.

"The other wrestlers ended up getting here at 4am." Dom chuckled. Damian nodded on his phone, when Demi's phone chimed. Natasha obviously curious, but didn't say anything, then her phone chimed and checked it.

Natasha has been added to TJD chat

She looked at Demi and then to Damian. "Your idea?"

"Yeah, you're basically an unofficial member now, it's only right." Damian answered. As the four of them finished their breakfast, they discussed what they wanted to do for the rest of the day.

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