18. Lonely Island

Start from the beginning

When I looked down I saw that I was covered in sand so I decided to wash it away. The water was quiet cold but it also had a calming effect. Out of nowhere Dean suddenly stood next to me. With a big grin, I splash water on him and he got back at me. It was fun to be together like this. He lifted me up and carried me deeper into the water. "Dean, I can't stand anymore" I giggled. He was a lot taller than me so standing was no problem for him. When he put his arms around my waist cautiously, I wrapped my legs around him. Then we kissed passionately. My heart was beating faster and faster, it was as if I was dreaming. I put my arms around his neck and our kiss was even more intense. I forgot everything, everyone. I never wanted it to end. After spending a long time in the water, we were looking for a shelter for the night. When we finally found a small cave, I lay down on the ground and took a deep breath. It had been a long day. Dean came up to me and pulled me into his arms. "I think we should get some sleep. Tomorrow is another day," he said softly. But I didn't want to sleep. Not yet. There was something else I really wanted to do. "Yeah you're right, we should sleep. Together." I freed myself from his arms and without warning I sat down on his lap. "Wow baby, I never knew you were so dominating." He laughed and looked at me with those beautiful green eyes. How could someone be so handsome? I gave him a mischievous smile and then slowly leaned toward him and pressed my lips onto his. He returned my kiss with great enthusiasm and started to gently stroke my body. His hands caressed my legs and back until they were on my hips. I couldn't wait anymore. I wanted him. I quickly took off my top. "Oh right, you know how to do it. I had almost forgotten." Confused, I looked at him. I had no idea what he was talking about. "What do you mean?" He hesitated with the answer. I noticed it was something that was bothering him. "Dean, what do you mean?"

"I mean you and Adam..." Now I finally understood and started to laugh. "We never..." He breathed a sigh of relief. "Oh, thank god. I really thought that you two... well, you know." I laughed again. "No. Don't worry." He grinned at me. "I guess I'll have to show you how it works then." He grabbed my waist and rolled me over so he was on top of me. Happyly, I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him toward me for another kiss. Then I started to open his pants. "You sure?" he whispered into my ear. I put my finger to his lips and replied, "Yes." He leaned forward and started to kiss my neck. I gasped and closed my eyes. His kisses were sending chills through my body. Slowly, he kissed his way down to my chest until he reached my bra. Then he continued down my belly. When he reached my pants he looked at me again, to check if I still wanted it. I nodded quickly and he undid my pants and after that his own...

The next morning we woke up in each other's arms. While I was getting dressed, I watched Dean with a smile. I buttoned my pants and suddenly lost my balance, because Dean had pulled me down to him. "Stop it!" I giggled. He grinned at me. "Yesterday, you wanted me never to stop." I laughed again and gave him a long kiss. I loved this man so much. Suddenly there was a strange noise which made me freeze. My gun had disappeared since the explosion, but luckily Dean still had a small pistol, which he took out and slowly walked outside. Carefully, I followed him. Outside the cave, everything seemed peaceful. The sun was already high in the sky, it looked like it was a very hot day. Then we spotted something behind one of the trees. When I looked closer I realized that it was a person. She noticed us and tried to run away. "Hey, wait," I said friendly. Slowly she stopped and turned around. She was around Dean's age and she was wearing his leather jacket. Her hair was brown and her skin was pale. "Who are you?" she asked quietly while looking on her feet. "I'm Dean, this is Sara." "I'm Julie" she introduced herself. "Were you also on the ship?" Julie nodded and touched her arm. Concerned, I asked, "Are you okay?" "Yeah, i was only slightly injured." Now Dean took a step closer to her to look at the wound. Julie took off her jacket and a small wound became visible. "I need to take care of this" Dean said and left us. Julie sat down on the sand and I joined her. "So what happened?" Julie looked at me with teary eyes. "I wish I knew. Everything happened so fast..."

We sat in silence for a bit until Dean hissed out again with a first aid kit. "I found this on the beach" he said and began to clean her wound. When he smiled at her, a strange feeling came over me. I quickly stood up and walked a bit away. Meanwhile, I watched him talking to Julie. Now she laughed and I had to pull myself together not to answer anything. I could feel my jealousy and I immediately narrowed my eyes. I liked Julie, but I didn't like the way Dean talked to her. My behavior was silly. I had no reason to be selfish. Dean loved me... why did she have to be so pretty and also in Dean's age... "Sara!" Dean waved his hand in front of my face and made me flinch. "What?"

"You okay?" He asked with a serious look. I nodded. "Sure, yeah." He raised his eyebrows and replied, "We need to find food, Julie and I would take over. You want to come with us?" I looked over at Julie and said, "No, you two go ahead. I think I'll explore the surroundings." He put his hands in his pockets. " I would prefer if you stayed here." I crossed my arms. "I will be careful, don't worry." He nodded but looked a little uneasy. With a last smile he left with Julie. There was that feeling again. Soon we would be rescued anyway and then Julie would be gone again. I took a deep breath and walked to the beach. Maybe I could find something useful here. And indeed, after a while I found a small backpack. When I opened it, to my astonishment, I discovered hunterequipment. That was strange. I took out a small knife and a pistol and put them in my pocket. There were also a few food items, which was very useful. I put on the backpack and went back to the cave. As I came closer, my gaze wandered to Dean and Julie. They were standing very close together... Dean, who wore his leather jacket again by himself, saw me and ran in my direction. "You won't believe what I just learned. Julie is a hunter" he said happily. "Wow." I handed her the backpack. "Then I guess this is yours." She nodded relieved. "Thanks."

While Dean built a campfire, I talked with Julie some more. We got along really well, I had the feeling that she could understand me completely. I looked at Dean, who was still busy and had to laugh. She followed my gaze. "Your brother has many talents, but one thing is clear. Fire making is none of them." I frowned. "He's my boyfriend, not my brother." She looked at me in surprise. "Oh, sorry, I just thought.... you still look so young. are You sure you're ready for a relationship. It is sometimes very complicated and..." I cut her off. "I am totally sure." She nodded. "Okay, good." Finally Dean had managed to light the campfire and sat down between us. He put his arm around me and kissed my cheek. I laid my head against his shoulder and closed my eyes. All of this would be over soon.

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