4. Don't Be So Sad

Start from the beginning

Darius avoided her gaze as he tried to gain control over his tears, but it was useless. The first tear ran down his cheek. "He ignored me. All day long. Why else would he do that?"

Eda lightly stroked his shoulder with her thumb, a worried expression on her face. "I still think you two should talk about everything. There's no point in you hiding here and eating more ice cream than any witch can handle. If you don't sort things out now, you'll regret it forever!"

Darius sighed, "All right. But if- "

An astonished gasp from the direction of the door caught their attention.
In the doorway stood Raine, still in their school uniform, looking at Darius in horror. Then their eyes wandered to Eda: "Is that really Darius?"

Darius groaned in frustration. "You two are really made for each other."

"True, " Raine grinned and walked over to them. They crouched a bit in front of Darius and looked him in the eye, "but so are you and Alador."

"For that, Alador would have to like me in the first place!" Darius crossed his arms and muttered, "You're acting like he proposed to me or something. You have no proof that Alador even likes me."

"Goops, the way Alador looks at you, that's not how you look at someone you don't like. That's not even the way you look at someone you see as a friend. That's the way you look at someone you love with all your heart and being. "Eda's voice sounded serious now, and Darius wasn't sure he'd ever seen such an honest expression on her face. After all, he was talking about none other than Edalyn Clawthorne here.

"Eda is right," Raine interjected, "if Alador doesn't see what a great guy you are when he's always staring at you like that, I don't know whats wrong with his eyes. Don't beat yourself up, but be confident, after all you are great."

"Wow, "Eda grinned, "Rainstorm I'm already getting a little jealous over here."

"You two are so cute it's almost disgusting. "Darius muttered, trying as best he could to hide the feelings he was getting about this. Could he and Alador possibly become like that someday? Could they talk openly in front of other people about how much they liked each other, or that they were together?

Would he also be able to give Alador a cute nickname? Something that was better than just calling him 'Al'. Something that went with his sweet nature and his beautiful laugh?

Would it be possible for him to confess so openly to Alador how great he thought he was, like Eda and Raine did all the time?

Then Eda suddenly snapped her fingers in front of his nose. "Eda to Darius. Are you still with us, goops?"

Raine chuckled. "He's probably planning his wedding right now."

Darius gave them both an annoyed look before taking a deep breath and asking, "So, what now?"

"I have a surprise for you, as I'm sure Eda has already let you know. "Raine said, "Tomorrow afternoon you and I will head to the best tailor shop in all of Bonesborough. I have to pick up my dress for grom and you can have a perfect suit cut for you."

Darius' spirits lifted almost immediately at the hope of a visit to the tailor. Thats exactly what he needs right now. Clothes were the other love of his life besides Alador and, almost like Alador, cheered him up pretty much all the time.

Darius nodded.

"And you will ask him tomorrow during the day if he wants to go with you, that way we can prevent him from making other plans that evening," Raine explained.

"Even though we know you'd rather ask him later," Eda added, giving him a gentle squeeze before taking her arm off his shoulders.

"Thanks guys," Darius said a little embarrassed, "I- well- I don't know where I would be without you two."

And that was true. In the months when Alador had become more and more distant and Odalia had started doing more with her friends from the oracle track, the two of them had been there for him more than anyone else. Darius couldn't even imagine how lonely he would feel without them. They had gotten him through an incredibly difficult time, and now they were helping him with this problem as well. Darius felt that you probably couldn't have better friends than Edalyn Clawthorne and Raine Whispers.

"Without us," Raine said, "you would probably still be well dressed, but your love life would have been hopelessly lost."

Eda giggled, to which Darius rolled his eyes.

"I take it all back." he said with a fond smile, "you guys are insufferable!"

"We love you too goops. "Eda giggled and once again poked her elbow into his side.

And that made Darius laugh as well.

𝐂𝐚𝐧'𝐭 𝐏𝐫𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐀𝐧𝐲𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐞 ~ AladariusWhere stories live. Discover now