4. Don't Be So Sad

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This chapter is going to be more lighter than the last one💖😅😅

Hope you enjoy the story so far!


"What are you doing here?" was the first thing Darius asked when he saw Edalyn at his front door.

School had ended two hours ago, and since then Darius had drowned himself in self-pity. He had taken off his school uniform and replaced it with purple pajamas and a purple bathrobe.

The reason was simple: Alador had been avoiding Darius all day. No matter when. After the last lesson of abominations, Darius had wanted to talk to him, but Alador had simply sprinted out of the classroom when he noticed Darius looking in his direction.

And Darius might be many things, but he was far from being an idiot. He understood when someone wanted nothing to do with him. He got the message.

"That's no way to greet the savior of your love life- "Eda's voice trailed off as she looked closely at Darius, "Who are you and what have you done with Darius?"

"What do you want, Eda? "Darius was really too exhausted for that. He just wanted to crawl back into his bed and continue spooning his ice cream.

"No, you're not getting off that easy! The real Darius would never wear something like ... THAT!"Eda laughed. She pulled out her penstagram scroll and snapped a photo. "Maybe sometime in the future I'll have to blackmail you with this . Who knows."

Normally, Darius cared about his image, but somehow it felt like everything was pointless without Alador. So why should he still care about something like that anymore.

"Are you done?" groaned Darius, "I've got like twenty more romantic comedies to bawl my eyes out to, so- "

"Oh don't be such a drama queen. "Eda said, pushing past Darius and into the house.

"Some would call that breaking in. "Darius grumbled, but didn't stop her as she pulled him with her towards his room.

"Rainstorm will be here in a minute, too. They have a surprise for you. "Eda told him excitedly and pushed open the door to Darius' room, "Oh Goops! What the heck happened today."

Darius' room was just a pile of ice cream packages and tissues scattered all over the place.

Eda turned around with a serious face. "Tell me right now what happened today! And if you don't want to talk to me, please talk to Raine! Or I could call Lilith! But you need to talk to someone about this, goops. You're just a shadow of your normal self. And your normal self is anything but normal when it comes to a clean room or environment."

Darius sighed heavily and flopped down on his bed. Now that Eda had brought it up, all those negative feelings he had been suppressing all this time by not thinking about it and not letting anyone talk about it came to the surface again.

Not even his family had asked about it, but that was because Darius had totally burst into tears when his mom had asked, "How was school, sweetheart?"

Whenever he thought about everything, there was this image of Alador in his mind's eye and he had to suppress reaching for the nearest tissue and crying again. He had cried more today alone than he had in a long time and his head was already hurting from it and the skin under his eyes was so dry that it stung every time he blinked.

"Alador hates me, Eda," he began, feeling the pressure of new tears on his eyes, "He hates me, I'm sure of it."

"Hey," Eda's voice was soft now and she sat down next to him on the bed to put an arm around his shoulders, "what makes you think he hates you?"

𝐂𝐚𝐧'𝐭 𝐏𝐫𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐀𝐧𝐲𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐞 ~ AladariusWhere stories live. Discover now