Ch 10: Is this a dream?

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Before we start I'd just like to say...  500+ READS???? BRO WTF YALL ARE AMAZING BRO I LOVE YALLLLLL ILL MAKE MORE FANFICTIONS JUST FOR YALL BROOOO alr alr now since we've talked about how great u guys are..... without further ado...the chapter the people have been waiting for :D

"I love you Quackity."

"What?" I stared at him. Was this all a joke? Is this even real? Was I dreaming? I stared at him and it didn't look like he was joking. "I..." I couldn't get my brain to wrap around everything. Wilbur actually liked me? Out of all people? 

"I really like you Quackity, I want to be with you." I looked at him. He immediately stopped himself. "Y-you don't have t-" Before he could finish, I kissed him. I didn't know what had gotten into me. I pulled myself away and started blushing. 

 "I'm so-" before I could finish he kissed me. I stared at him shocked. The kiss was long and romantic. We had to let go to breath again. I looked at him and saw he was blushing and smiling at me. "Do you think making out in a room makes us just friends?" I said while chuckling.

"I guess not." Wilbur said while smiling. "It's okay though because I'd like to be more then just friends." I smiled at him. I couldn't believe it. "So I guess I'll ask, Prince Quackity of Las Nevadas, would you like to be my boyfriend?" Wilbur said.

"YES!" I said while hugging him. "You've gotta change the speed of how you do things though man because I've been waiting too long for you to say that." 

"I'll keep that in mind." Wilbur said while chuckling.

Yamboo POV

"Bro Tubbo come over here. Let's look in brothers room" Yamboo and Tubbo had gone on another search to find Quackity because they got distracted before. The door to Quackity's room was slightly left open. They both peaked through the door just to make sure if anyone wasn't in there. 

"Wait... Is that big bro and Wilbur? Making out-" Tubbo said while he quickly turned away. "Ew kissing I don't wanna see that shit let's get out of hereeeeee." Tubbo told Yamboo while still facing the other way.

"Fineeee but hey at least big bro's getting gay with someone. Also for the record, you like Ranboo."

"I only like Ranboo in a way where I don't wanna be in a romantic relationship with him c'mon lets get out of here." 

word count: 413

Yooooo finally wilbur and quackity got gay but don't worry cause we aren't ending here bro I got more chapters to give :D have a great day/afternoon/night and drink plenty of ur waters people

P.s. I know I tell people to drink plenty of water but I myself don't drink a lot of water- I think I should take my own advice-

Your new Knight- QuackburHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin