I took a deep breath. 

"I understand you're upset-" 

"You understand I'm upset?! Why do you finally decide to show up now that I want nothing to do with you, huh? Where were you when we won all our matches these past months!" Even though I knew people were staring, talking about me, wondering... I couldn't stop screaming. It took enough self control not to shove him to the ground. 

"Why don't you just go back home, drink yourself to death-" 

"Hey, Mr. Campbell! Good to see you!" Dave came up to us out of nowhere. 

"David! It's been a while." They shook hands. My dad smiled though he still looked sad in the eyes. 

"You look great!" Dave said to my dad. 

I knew what he was doing. He was trying to deflect attention so that I could cool off. People started minding their own business again. It was moments like these where I remembered why we were friends. 

"Thank you! I've been working on myself lately, I was just telling Josh." My dad glanced at me. I shook my head and walked away. Dave continued conversation with my father as if nothing was wrong. 

I walked up to Joe. "What the hell was that, Joe?!" 

"I know you don't agree with this-" 

"Agree with it? You ambushed me! Why didn't you tell me you've been talking to that loser for MONTHS! Why didn't you say he was coming?!" I growled. 

"Because I wasn't sure he would come and I didn't want to give you false hope! I thought you'd be happy!" 

"No, I'm not happy! I don't wanna see him ever again!" 

"Josh, you know you can't stay with us forever-" 

"Oh of course! I knew this was coming! It was a stupid idea to move in with you in the first place!" 

I wanted to hit something. I balled my hands into fists. 

"Josh, please. Calm down." Joe grabbed my shoulders. 

I tried to pull away but he wouldn't let go. 

"Josh!" He insisted, looking me deep in the eyes. His eyes looked earnest, caring. "Breathe." 

I took a few deep breaths and tried to collect myself. 

"Your father isn't close to ready to have you move back in again but lately he's been doing really well and I thought you might want to see that. He asks about you all the time.. I guess I should've said something. I'm sorry." Joe squeezed my shoulder. 

Of course he was trying to help. When wasn't he? The man was as kind and selfless as his son. 

"I know. I'm sorry." 

"It's okay." Joe smacked my cheek. "We'll talk about it when you boys get back from your trip. But for now, I want you to enjoy yourselves, alright? This will be a ton of fun, I'm sure." Joe smirked. 

"Thanks, Joe." I sighed relieved and pulled him into a hug. 

"Alright!" Mr. Hammock's voice blasted through a megaphone. "Children! It is time to separate from your makers! Cut that umbilical cord and embrace a week of learning under mother nature's watchful eye!" 

I chuckled. "What?"

Joe shook his head with that same grin on his lips. Our teacher was a nutjob. 

I glanced at Dave and he signaled Hammock had a screw loose. I laughed at that. 

"Alright then. Have fun. Take care of Tim but don't forget to enjoy yourself, okay?"

"Of course. See you soon, Joe." 

Joe nodded and we hugged. 

T was already in line to get in the bus. 

"Wow.. that little-" Joe shook his head. "TIMOTHY NIGHTINGALE, GET YOUR BUTT OVER HERE AND SAY BYE TO YOUR OLD MAN!" Joe screamed causing multiple people to laugh and T turned bright red. 

He speed walked over to us. "Did you really have to do that?" T said, staring at the ground. 

"You thought you could just slip out without saying goodbye? Really?" Joe grabbed T's cheeks and he rolled his eyes. 

"Okay dad, hurry up." 

I chuckled a little. He was so humiliated. 

"Have fun on your trip. Listen to Josh." 


"I love you." Joe kissed T on the lips. It kinda felt like he was doing it for max humiliation.

T pulled away and wiped his lips. "Ew! Dad!" 

Joe smiled satisfied. "Don't you love your old man?" 

"No." T snapped and walked to the bus. 

Joe and I glanced at each other before bursting out in laughter. 

Obviously I sat at the back of the bus with my friends. We were playing cards and talking about random shit. T sat in the middle of the bus with Allie and they were chatting excitedly. Probably some new music video that'd come out. I hated not sitting with them and hearing them rant about stuff I didn't know. Something about it was comforting to me. 

Some guy in the seat before them turned around and joined the conversation. He looked like an idiot. Allie seemed excited and T was just his usual neutral self. 

The whole trip was going to be about 5 hours. We stopped halfway for a potty break. Most kids just went out to smoke or buy stuff from the store by the side of the road. 

The second my friends were out of sight I pulled T apart. 

"What's up?" His eyes were wide in surprise as I pushed him against the back of the bus. 

"Who was that guy?" I asked.

"What guy?" T pulled his sleeve out of my hand. 

"The dude you were talking to for half the trip. The one with the black hair."

"Oh, Blade? He's cool." T shrugged. 

"You don't know him?" 

"We just met, why?" 

"He looks like a punk. You should stay away from him." 

Timothy laughed. "He's really nice, don't worry." 

"Who says I'm worried? I just don't think you should be spending all that time with him is all."

Timothy looked really confused. He had that look that said he was trying to read me. 

"Anyway, we're rooming together. That's what your dad wanted so." I shrugged. 

"Okay." He was still searching my eyes. 

I could hear my friends in the distance. I rushed away from Timothy before they could see me. 

[BoyxBoy] ✓ I Fell In Love With An Emo BoyWhere stories live. Discover now