“Micky, man up. Ella loves you, which is why she’s giving you a second chance. Yes, you may have to prove it but she loves you. Greg and I saw that when we were with you before you two broke up and we can still see that now. The way she looks at you, there’s love shown through her eyes. They glimmer at the sight of you. Micky, she loves you and she’ll always love you. Well she will according to me but don’t give up and prove to her that you love her before it’s well too late. However, what should I do about Lottie?”

“Just do what you’ve told me to do. Take your own advice Dan. Lottie likes you, a lot but she’s a bit sensitive. She’s also a bit crazy. I’m talking from a friend perspective. I don’t know what she’s like with you but Dan, be careful with her. When is the Sugarscape interview though?”

“In 5 minutes actually” He simply stated while looking out the window. Although we were on the tour bus, we were stopping quite soon to talk to the Sugarscape gang. I was nervous but all right at the time because this was the time everything was coming out in the open. Let the games begin because I’m pretty sure I’m going to be backlashed for it all.

   We’d arrived at the office now. My nerves are setting in. Dan’s gave me about a million reassuring smiles but I can’t help but feel fake. This was going to be a long interview.

I: So guys what’s it like being on tour?

D: It’s actually pretty amazing. Being with all the other guys is fun too but the rush performing on stage is so damn good.

G: I’d have to agree with Dan on this one. We all love it and it’s pretty amazing. I hope that we’ll be able to have our own soon too.

I: Do you guys have any relationships going?

G: I’ve actually been in contact with a girl named Maria, she’s hyperactive a lot but she’s a real ball of fun.

D: I have asked a girl out; she rejected me and told me to do it the right way.

M: I’m actually still in love with my ex-girlfriend.

I: Micky, you say you’re still in love with your ex, why did you guys split up?

M: I actually cheated on her. I kissed a guy when I was drunk, of course, I regret it but we can’t undo the past. However, that isn’t the full reason as to why I broke things off. My ex and I have a past together, some memories we’d rather not have out in the open and of course I called it off to protect her because she’s sensitive at times. Although she says she’s fine with handling things, I know she’s not. Nevertheless, that’s also not the whole reason. I was threatened too. Someone else loved my ex-girlfriend and he got jealous that I got the title of the first love since them two were somewhat friends before I got there. He knew of my drunk kiss and was going to plaster it around the world if I didn’t break it off with my girlfriend. I wanted to protect the boys so I hurt myself in the process, as I knew that the picture would make people think we’re all gay in the band. None of us is gay and although the boys said, they were fine with it coming out. I wasn’t. I was scared.

I: Do you plan on getting your ex-girlfriend back?

M: She actually approached me and asked me to prove my love for her. I do love her, I’ll always love her and I do know there will be backlash for this but it’s my life and I can what I want. We all make mistakes we’re not proud of.

I: Does your beautiful ex-girlfriend have a name?

M: She does. She’s called Ella. Not to be confused with Ella Henderson, a completely different Ella.

Together Again - District3 - Micky ParsonsWhere stories live. Discover now