ch 10

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"y/n! come on, it's time to hit the road again!" tommy shook you awake and you jolted forward, instantly wincing.

richard looked over from across the room, packing up his suitcase in the process. "you alright, y/n?" he called. you rolled your shoulder a few times, rubbing your back as you got up from your couch.

"yeah, i guess. my bones are aching and everything's sore, but i'll be fine. clearly sleeping on the couch isn't the best idea," you groaned. tommy pulled you into his side.

"it's alright! you can stretch out in the backseat while we go down the road!"

tommy smiled at you, and you shot him a tired smile. "thanks, bud. means the world to me."

you changed your clothes swiftly in the bathroom, observing your face as you brushed your teeth. tommy and richard busted in and you scowled at them.

"hey, what the hell! for all you know, i could've been getting changed!" you exclaimed.

tommy slapped his hands over his eyes, shrieking an apology while richard just leaned in the doorway, smirking.

as you spit out your mouthwash, you acknowledged the man with a simple glare. "what's your issue?"

richard chuckled, moving over to the sink next to you. "i've gotta get ready, too, sweetheart," he teased. you huffed, looking away from the man's face as he sported a smug expression.

"okay, whatever! do whatever, or.. ugh! whatever!" you cried, embarrassed by your sudden flustered state while rushing out of the room.

that stupid nickname! why would he call you that?! if he had as good of a memory of your high school years as it seemed, then richard surely remembered how you would constantly fawn over that dumb pet name...

"hey, y/n! boy, you look disheveled! sorry if our intrusion was that bad!" tommy quickly apologized. you shook your head, trying to also shake your thoughts away.

"ugh, it's nothing! richard's just a... a... a douchebag, that's all!" you fumbled. tommy raised an eyebrow as if wanting to say more to you, before richard exited the bathroom.

"alright, let's go!" you called quickly, snatching up your suitcase while rushing out the door.

richard and tommy watched you rush away and tommy looked to richard.

"was it something i said?" he asked. the blond man shook his head, laughing.

"no, no. it's nothing," he sighed wistfully.

tommy rolled his eyes. what the hell did he miss?!


you smiled to yourself as the wind blew through your hair, enjoying the breeze and the sunlight.

"who would've guessed this would've worked better as a convertible, richard?" you laughed. he scoffed, continuing to look at the map in his lap from his place in the passenger seat.

tommy took one hand off the wheel for a moment to fiddle with the radio. my hallucination by shaw blades began to play. tommy bopped his head to the song.

"good tune, man!" he grinned.

richard cast a sideways glance at tommy. "i don't think so," he scoffed before also changing the radio.

now, air by seven day diary rang through the car.

you shook your head. "no way!" you lunged forward in your seat, turning the dial once again.

now, just a girl by no doubt was playing, and you had already begun to sing your heart out.

"oh, hell yeah! i'm just a girl, lucky me-"

richard hayden x reader (tommy boy)Where stories live. Discover now