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it had only been a week since you'd been hired at callahan auto and tommy callahan had been back in town, but you were already being invited to your boss's wedding. you decided to wear a nice summer-y romper, considering you weren't too fond of wearing a dress or suit in these heat.

when you arrived, you recognized tommy immediately. he seemed to have brought along michelle brock, a girl you recognized from high school. the two of you hadn't ever really talked, but you had a kind of 'quiet smart girl' solidarity throughout high school. you approached tommy and michelle, clearing your throat.

"hey!" tommy immediately called, hugging you tightly. "i'm glad you made it! i figured you wouldn't show."

you rolled your eyes. "well, as much as i hate parties like this, i figured it was common courtesy to show up. i've only been in the company a week, it'd be poor etiquette to refuse," you explained. tommy seemed confused at your words.

"wow, you talk just like you did in high school, all smart and stuff," he laughed. you and michelle exchanged a look before she smiled at you.

"y/n, i was glad to find out you started working here! it was getting tiring, constantly having to put up with brainless guys all the time," she joked, gesturing to tommy. he let out a noise of protest as the two of you laughed.

"it's so weird, so many people from our high school work here now. i'm glad callahan auto has at least one person with a good head on her shoulders," you smirked, and michelle seemed to grow shy at your compliment.

"hey, come on! why can't you guys be all nice to me like that!" tommy cried. the three of you just laughed before richard came around with a camera.

"oh, looks like it's time for my leave of absence. i'll catch you guys later, i've got camera fright," you said shortly, not too fond of the idea of appearing on video. you listened to tommy talk about michelle fondly, and you smiled to yourself. michelle was an incredible girl, and tommy had a heart of gold. in all honesty, you found them to be cute together.

as you stood near the dessert table nonchalantly, richard approached you, this time without the camera in hand. he stood next to you silently, as if wanting you not to notice he was there. you cleared your throat, looking at him.

"what's up?" he asked, smiling awkwardly. you hadn't talked to this guy since high school, so you weren't exactly sure what to say.

"nothing, really. just thinking about how strange it is that most of us ended up here. i figured you'd have big city dreams or something."

richard chuckled lightly at that. "yeah, no. i've stuck around sandusky my whole life. i guess i just can't find it in me to leave. especially not since tommy's in the company now..."

you noticed the way richard's tone turned sour at this, and you worked to change the subject quickly. "so, what happened those four years i was gone at college?" you asked. you'd lived in the same town as richard for most of your life, but left when you got a scholarship to your dream school to major in english. richard had never left, but you figured he didn't have any juicy details to give about the four years you were away.

richard shrugged. "eh, nothing really. some people talked about you making it big as an author or something, but i knew that wouldn't be the case," he said flatly.

you scowled at his words. "oh, and why wouldn't that be the case?" you spat. richard's eyes never left the bustling scene of the wedding, as if refusing to make eye contact with you as he spoke.

"well, i mean, i knew what your dreams were. that night, junior year on tommy's roof, you'd talked all about being a journalist and wanting to make a change for the people here," richard's eyes softened as he spoke before continuing. "what can i say, i knew you'd come crawling back to sandusky as soon as you graduated."

you felt a pang in your chest as richard recalled something that'd happened god knows how long ago. i can't believe he remembers that. you brushed it off, some people just have good memories. you laughed dryly at the man's sarcasm, crossing your arms.

"yeah, whatever. i guess that doesn't really matter anyways, i'm here now." richard shrugged, beginning to walk away before you spoke again.

"but, you know, this job doesn't seem so bad now that i know you're here," you thought aloud. richard stopped dead in his tracks, not daring to turn around.

you watched the man sigh deeply before muttering out, "yeah, sure," and walking away. you didn't dwell too long on the confusion, as michelle came to drag you along with her to grab some appetizers.

things seemed to be going great, a near perfect day. the happiest day of some people's lives, their wedding.

and yet, even the worst of tragedies can strike the best of days.


you stood now in front of big tom's casket, surrounded by weeping and sorrow. you really didn't feel as though it was your place to show up, but tommy had begged you to be there. and, well, you couldn't refuse a grieving man's wishes.

even though you'd never been all that close to big tom, you still felt the effects his presence had on the world around him. even as a stressed-out teenager who'd overworked herself one too many times, tommy's dad was there if you'd needed to get anything off your chest or sit back and relax for a while.

and now, in an instant, he was gone.

richard and tommy seemed most affected by it all. you had never seen tommy so deeply sorrowful, and richard hadn't spoken for the entire day of the burial. you felt uncomfortable, surrounded by grieving and sobbing people while all you could do was stand there idly watching. however, you knew you were only there for tommy.

after the funeral had wrapped up, you'd went on your way home. you gave tommy a hug, trying your best to wrap your arms around him as tightly as you could, but it didn't seem to have any effect. you guessed that the skeleton-breaking hugs tommy gave weren't in your skillset.

you cast a glance at richard as you left, taking in his sadness. the man seemed even smaller than usual, and he looked nothing if not miserable. you'd approached him to say something to him, but he hadn't even registered your existence.

you went on your way now, pondering the future of callahan auto.

richard hayden x reader (tommy boy)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя