.twenty two.

925 47 7

Unedited and again a short update, sorry!

Sona's footsteps echoed loudly as she moved towards the empty room. The sound of nothingness invaded her ears and gave her goosebumps. She took the folder resting on the table with one hand and proceeded to open it with the other. Quickly overviewing the list at hand, Sona made her way to the special care unit.

Many fighters, our soldiers, rested there with their eyes closed. One by one Sona started to check off the names in the folder, as she checked the vitals of all those laying there, unconscious. A silent knock at the door, made Sona shaken up and look up to see Monika standing there. She gestured her to come inside.

Few days back, there were groups made of qualified doctors to handle different cases, Sona's group was given the case of the deeply injured soldiers who lay in the special care unit. And Sona, fortunately or unfortunately she doesn't know, was made to be the leader. Currently she has 6 people working under her, Monika is one of them.

Monika came forward, tired deep to her bones with her limbs aching, and took the list of paper out from her pocket.

"Its a good news, soon, navy forces and special armed forces would be coming to help disarm the enemies. Our officials have high hopes that this fight would last for a week or more now. As soon as they come, the enemy would surrender, hopefully" Monika said.

Sona's eyes widened and she turned towards her friend and hugged her. Monika hugged her back, with her eyes filling up. Both of these women, have lost their friends in this fight. Many doctors died and many got infected. But not these two, maybe because of fate or maybe because of their will power to return back to their beloved's as soon as they can.


Devaysa sighed getting up from his desk to take up the jug of water kept on his table. He took off his glasses and rubbed his eyes, rather harshly. Eyes which haven't slept for 2 days now, they were begging him to let them close, but Devaysa couldn't sleep. Dreams, or a more correct word, nightmares, invaded him when ever he did of his wife dying, or his wife crying for help with no one to stop for her.

He took his coat from his chair, put it on and set back to home, ả building with no warmth now.

As soon as he opened the knob, he waited for someone to greet him, to ask him how his day went or to demand for his attention and whine, but all that greeted him was the silence.

Often times, people thinks silence is when you can hear nothing. But maybe silence is felt the most when your heart is empty.

He keeps his coat on the sofa and go lay on the bed. He sighed and closed his eyes. Deeply tired and deeply worried, sleep found its way to the broken man.

"Devaysaaaaaaa" Sona whined looking at her husband laying across from her, trying to sleep admist his wife's sugar rush, thanks to the tea she drank just before bed.


"I read something today, and I want to tell you about it. I read a question today, of which i still haven't found any answer to, no matter how much i think about it."

"oh yeah? do tell me what got my pretty wife thinking so much." Devasya spoke in her ear while turning around and hugging her to himself. The warmth in the cold giving him relief.

"hmm why do people give heart the credit for feeling? Like if you love someone, people often compares it to how their hearts feel, pain caused by your lover is called heartbreak. Happiness given to you by your lover is called as your heart melting. The rush of affection you have for your lover, you can feel it in your heart. Poets write about their hearts, about their hearts bursting with love and affection. The fluttering you have, the increased heart beats, that crazy rush of feelings.

But isn't this wrong? Isn't this all our mind's doing? isn't the feeling of love caused by our minds? Isn't this rush of affection because of the chemical dopamine that our brain releases? Where does the heart plays a role in love? How come heart is the symbol of such a beautiful thing called love when the entire work done is by the brain?

Why dò poets uses heart as a reference to tell how much love they have? Why?"

Devaysa remained silent for sometime, running the question through his head.

"Heart is one of our visceral organ. Without it we won't be alive. It pumps our blood throughout the body, it gives life to the organs inside us, without it they will die. Isn't this what loving someone feels like? Like with out them we won't be able to breathe. Without them life will lose all its meaning. Without them maybe our body will function and life will go on, but we would be left with a void. The affection we received, all the love we made and all the memories, they are sucked out of us, leaving behind a gaping hole.

Loving them feels like living. Its as simple as breathing. Maybe they compare it to the heart, because love makes us alive, it lights up our sense and it truly feels like we are living.

Like a heart that makes sure our organs are running, the love makes sure we are living . Loving is as important as heart for us, without it, it feels like we will die. Sometimes literally, and sometimes metamorphically.

Maybe that's why heart is a symbol of love"

Devaysa ended with a silent whisper.

Devaysa woke up with a startle. His eyes were filled with tears running down his cheeks. He was crying while dreaming of the memory he has lived. Today, it really feels like he is dead inside without his wife. Maybe what he spoke that day was true afterall.


All the doctors quickly rushed back and forth, the unit brimming with work load. Sona noticed a man, with a worrying face, come in and speak in to their official's ear whose face soon became as white as a paper. He looked outside and his face took up the colour of ashes. His eyes widened and lips parted, Sona looked in the direction he was looking at and the folder she was holding came crashing down on the floor.


Whats upppppp guys!!!

First of all, We hit 9K!!!!! WOW

yes yes yes sorry for the late update 😅😅
A short update but a good or maybe bad news for y'all, depending on how you take it: this story now will have like 3 chapters more and an epilogue. Its gonna come to an end now. Ahh how fast the time passes, crazy.

(And a special mention to a special dumbster we have among us ofc, hello dumbster how u doing? 😏)

Gratitude and love.

Jaan-Nisaar| ✔️Where stories live. Discover now